Friday, August 22, 2008

अब हम को किसी बात का ग़म क्यों नहीं होता

मैं क़तरा होकर भी तूफ़ाँ से जंग लेता हूँ
मुझे बचाना समंदर की ज़िम्मेदारी है.
दुआ करो कि सलामत रहे मेरी हिम्मतयह
इक चिराग़ कई आँधियों पे भारी है.
वसीम बरेलवी

कुछ रोज़ से हम सिर्फ़ यही सोच रहे हैं
अब हम को किसी बात का ग़म क्यों नहीं होता

मैं दुनिया के मेयार पे पूरा नहीं उतरा
दुनिया मेरे मेयार पे पूरी नहीं उतरी.
मैं झूठ के दरबार में सच बोल रहा हूँ,
हैरत है कि सर मेरा क़लम क्यों नहीं होता.
मुनव्वर राना

इक अमीर शख़्स ने हाथ जोड़ के पूछा एक ग़रीब से
कहीं नींद हो तो बता मुझे कहीं ख़्वाब हों तो उधार दे.
आग़ा सरोश

इक चिराग़ कई आँधियों पे भारी है

मैं क़तरा होकर भी तूफ़ाँ से जंग लेता हूँ
मुझे बचाना समंदर की ज़िम्मेदारी है.
दुआ करो कि सलामत रहे मेरी हिम्मतयह
इक चिराग़ कई आँधियों पे भारी है.
वसीम बरेलवी

कुछ रोज़ से हम सिर्फ़ यही सोच रहे हैं
अब हम को किसी बात का ग़म क्यों नहीं होता

इक अमीर शख़्स ने हाथ जोड़ के पूछा एक ग़रीब से
कहीं नींद हो तो बता मुझे कहीं ख़्वाब हों तो उधार दे.
आग़ा सरोश

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

तुमसे कैसा नाता है.

हमारी हर कहानी में, तुम्हारा नाम आता है.
ये सबको कैसे समझाएँ कि तुमसे कैसा नाता है.

ज़रा सी परवरिश भी चाहिए, हर एक रिश्ते को,
अगर सींचा नहीं जाए तो पौधा सूख जाता है.

ये मेरे ग़म के बीच में क़िस्सा है बरसों से
मै उसको आज़माता हूँ, वो मुझको आज़माता है.

ख़ुदा का खेल ये अब तक नहीं समझे कि वो हमको
बनाकर क्यों मिटाता है, मिटाकर क्यूँ बनाता है.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

About Anmol Ratan

Anmol Ratan is a doctor of medicine employed in Middle East. He was born on the next day of Christmas in the western Utter Pradesh in India. His father was a medical practitioner of considerable name and fame. He was educated in Utter Pradesh, Rajasthan and in England. He has done very well professionally and also enjoyes a good social status.

He is free of high self esteem and arrogance that come with position and power. He is the most courteous of men, an observer of old-world etiquette; a through gentleman; the best public relation officer for himself and the organization he is working for. He is a no nonsense down-to-earth type man.

His ability to continue to survive, progress, and compete in a cut throat atmosphere in the middle east for so long is not only a proof of his professional competence but also of his capability to out smart his adversaries. He is not devious but he has got an uncanny sense of timing and knows when to strike them.

He is a caring person and known for being always ready to help the people in the hour of need.

He had always had an easy ability to get on with people, make them like him. He is jolly by nature sparkling with wit and humor. Always trying to cheer up and make people to laugh.

He has traveled vastly but he is not an outdoor man. He can not live without reading. He has got an inquisitive nature from his early childhood. He finds it difficult to agree to what the people ordinarily say, believe, and do. A question always bothers him "How come ?"He is agnostic and maintains that religion as it is practised is false. He plans to return back to India and live in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


मदिरालय जाने को घर से चलता है पीनेवला,'किस पथ से जाऊँ?' असमंजस में है वह भोलाभाला,अलग-अलग पथ बतलाते सब पर मैं यह बतलाता हूँ -'राह पकड़ तू एक चला चल, पा जाएगा मधुशाला।'। ६।

हाथों में आने से पहले नाज़ दिखाएगा प्याला,अधरों पर आने से पहले अदा दिखाएगी हाला,बहुतेरे इनकार करेगा साकी आने से पहले,पथिक, न घबरा जाना, पहले मान करेगी मधुशाला।।१३।

धर्मग्रन्थ सब जला चुकी है, जिसके अंतर की ज्वाला,मंदिर, मसजिद, गिरिजे, सब को तोड़ चुका जो मतवाला,पंडित, मोमिन, पादिरयों के फंदों को जो काट चुका,कर सकती है आज उसी का स्वागत मेरी मधुशाला।।१७।

लालायित अधरों से जिसने, हाय, नहीं चूमी हाला,हर्ष-विकंपित कर से जिसने, हा, न छुआ मधु का प्याला,हाथ पकड़ लज्जित साकी को पास नहीं जिसने खींचा,व्यर्थ सुखा डाली जीवन की उसने मधुमय मधुशाला।।१८।

एक बरस में, एक बार ही जगती होली की ज्वाला,एक बार ही लगती बाज़ी, जलती दीपों की माला,दुनियावालों, किन्तु, किसी दिन आ मदिरालय में देखो,दिन को होली, रात दिवाली, रोज़ मनाती मधुशाला।।२६।

बनी रहें अंगूर लताएँ जिनसे मिलती है हाला,बनी रहे वह मिटटी जिससे बनता है मधु का प्याला,बनी रहे वह मदिर पिपासा तृप्त न जो होना जाने,बनें रहें ये पीने वाले, बनी रहे यह मधुशाला।।२८।

अधरों पर हो कोई भी रस जिहवा पर लगती हाला,भाजन हो कोई हाथों में लगता रक्खा है प्याला,हर सूरत साकी की सूरत में परिवर्तित हो जाती,आँखों के आगे हो कुछ भी, आँखों में है मधुशाला।।३२।

दो दिन ही मधु मुझे पिलाकर ऊब उठी साकीबाला,भरकर अब खिसका देती है वह मेरे आगे प्याला,नाज़, अदा, अंदाजों से अब, हाय पिलाना दूर हुआ,अब तो कर देती है केवल फ़र्ज़ -अदाई मधुशाला।।६५।

छोटे-से जीवन में कितना प्यार करुँ, पी लूँ हाला,आने के ही साथ जगत में कहलाया 'जानेवाला',स्वागत के ही साथ विदा की होती देखी तैयारी,बंद लगी होने खुलते ही मेरी जीवन-मधुशाला।।६६।

याद न आए दूखमय जीवन इससे पी लेता हाला,जग चिंताओं से रहने को मुक्त, उठा लेता प्याला,शौक, साध के और स्वाद के हेतु पिया जग करता है,पर मै वह रोगी हूँ जिसकी एक दवा है मधुशाला।।७८।

गिरती जाती है दिन प्रतिदन प्रणयनी प्राणों की हालाभग्न हुआ जाता दिन प्रतिदन सुभगे मेरा तन प्याला,रूठ रहा है मुझसे रूपसी, दिन दिन यौवन का साकीसूख रही है दिन दिन सुन्दरी, मेरी जीवन मधुशाला।।७९।

यम आयेगा साकी बनकर साथ लिए काली हाला,पी न होश में फिर आएगा सुरा-विसुध यह मतवाला,यह अंितम बेहोशी, अंतिम साकी, अंतिम प्याला है,पथिक, प्यार से पीना इसको फिर न मिलेगी मधुशाला।८०।

मेरे अधरों पर हो अंितम वस्तु न तुलसीदल प्यालामेरी जीव्हा पर हो अंतिम वस्तु न गंगाजल हाला,मेरे शव के पीछे चलने वालों याद इसे रखनाराम नाम है सत्य न कहना, कहना सच्ची मधुशाला।।८२।

मेरे शव पर वह रोये, हो जिसके आंसू में हालाआह भरे वो, जो हो सुरिभत मदिरा पी कर मतवाला,दे मुझको वो कान्धा जिनके पग मद डगमग होते होंऔर जलूं उस ठौर जहां पर कभी रही हो मधुशाला।।८३।

नाम अगर कोई पूछे तो, कहना बस पीनेवालाकाम ढालना, और ढालना सबको मदिरा का प्याला,जाति प्रिये, पूछे यदि कोई कह देना दीवानों की धर्म बताना प्यालों की ले माला जपना मधुशाला।।८५।

शांत सकी हो अब तक, साकी, पीकर किस उर की ज्वाला,'और, और' की रटन लगाता जाता हर पीनेवाला,कितनी इच्छाएँ हर जानेवाला छोड़ यहाँ जाता!कितने अरमानों की बनकर कब्र खड़ी है मधुशाला।।८९।

जो हाला मैं चाह रहा था, वह न मिली मुझको हाला,जो प्याला मैं माँग रहा था, वह न मिला मुझको प्याला,जिस साकी के पीछे मैं था दीवाना, न मिला साकी,जिसके पीछे था मैं पागल, हा न मिली वह मधुशाला!।९०।

हाथों में आने-आने में, हाय, फिसल जाता प्याला,अधरों पर आने-आने में हाय, ढुलक जाती हाला,दुनियावालो, आकर मेरी किस्मत की ख़ूबी देखो,रह-रह जाती है बस मुझको मिलते-िमलते मधुशाला।।९४।

किस्मत में था खाली खप्पर, खोज रहा था मैं प्याला,ढूँढ़ रहा था मैं मृगनयनी, किस्मत में थी मृगछाला,किसने अपना भाग्य समझने में मुझसा धोखा खाया,किस्मत में था अवघट मरघट, ढूँढ़ रहा था मधुशाला।।९८।

एक समय छलका करती थी मेरे अधरों पर हाला,एक समय झूमा करता था मेरे हाथों पर प्याला,एक समय पीनेवाले, साकी आलिंगन करते थे,आज बनी हूँ निर्जन मरघट, एक समय थी मधुशाला।।११०।

बूँद बूँद के हेतु कभी तुझको तरसाएगी हाला,कभी हाथ से छिन जाएगा तेरा यह मादक प्याला,पीनेवाले, साकी की मीठी बातों में मत आना,मेरे भी गुण यों ही गाती एक दिवस थी मधुशाला।।११३।

मैं मदिरालय के अंदर हूँ, मेरे हाथों में प्याला,प्याले में मदिरालय बिंिबत करनेवाली है हाला,इस उधेड़-बुन में ही मेरा सारा जीवन बीत गया -मैं मधुशाला के अंदर या मेरे अंदर मधुशाला!।११९।

स्वयं नहीं पीता, औरों को, किन्तु पिला देता हाला,स्वयं नहीं छूता, औरों को, पर पकड़ा देता प्याला,पर उपदेश कुशल बहुतेरों से मैंने यह सीखा है,स्वयं नहीं जाता, औरों को पहुंचा देता मधुशाला।

मैं कायस्थ कुलोदभव मेरे पुरखों ने इतना ढ़ाला,मेरे तन के लोहू में है पचहज्ञल्तऌार प्रतिशत हाला,पुश्तैनी अधिकार मुझे है मदिरालय के आँगन पर,मेरे दादों परदादों के हाथ बिकी थी मधुशाला।

बहुतों के सिर चार दिनों तक चढ़कर उतर गई हाला,बहुतों के हाथों में दो दिन छलक झलक रीता प्याला,पर बढ़ती तासीर सुरा की साथ समय के, इससे हीऔर पुरानी होकर मेरी और नशीली मधुशाला।

पित्र पक्ष में पुत्र उठाना अर्ध्य न कर में, पर प्यालाबैठ कहीं पर जाना, गंगा सागर में भरकर हालाकिसी जगह की मिटटी भीगे, तृप्ति मुझे मिल जाएगीतर्पण अर्पण करना मुझको, पढ़ पढ़ कर के मधुशाला।

- बच्चन

Certain Thoughts & Expressions.....

When a certain thought or expression could be identified with anything within me, or when it was found true in my own experience, then I have included it in this compilation :

1. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, That’s why it’s called – The present.
2. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. – Wilson Mizner
3. I always divide people into two groups. Those who live by what they know to be a lie, and those who live by what they believe, falsely, to be the truth.
4. Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to – George Sealon.
5. Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. – Henry Mencken
6. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. – Lucius Annacus
7. Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet ( and go on living in hunger, filth, and ignorance) – Napoleon Bonaparte
8. God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. – Voltaire
9. It is easy to understand God as long as you don’t try to explain him. – Joseph Tonbert
10. Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
11. About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age. – Gloria Pitzer
12. As a man grows older it is harder and harder to frighten him. – Jean Paul Richter
13. The years as they pass plunder us of one thing after another. – Horace
14. You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever.
15. If a thing is old, it is a sign that it was fit to live…the guarantee of continuity is quality. – Eddie Richkenbacker
16. Whenever a man’s friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be sure that they think he is growing old. – Washington Irving
17. By the time a man realizes that may be his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.
18. Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that’s down can come up. – George Burns
19. Love is all fun and games, until someone loses an eye or gets pregnant. – Jim Cole
20. Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret.
21. If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues.
22. One is easily fooled by that which one loves.
23. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. – Elie Wiesel
24. Sex outside marriage is sin; sex within marriage is not sin. – Bertrand Russell
25. Marriage is the state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all , two. – Ambrose Bierce.
26. Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. – Albert Einstein
27. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends, you order what you want, then when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that.
28. Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships. – Sharon Stone
29. How are women and tornadoes alike ? They both moan like hell when they come, and take the home when they leave.
30. Sex is like air; it’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.
31. A kiss can be a coma, a question mark or an exclamation point. That’s basic spelling that every woman ought to know.
32. If you cannot get what you like, why not try to like what you get ?
33. A kiss : To a young girl, faith, to a married woman, hope, to an old maid, charity.
34. Man has will, but woman has her way. – Oliver Wendeel
35. The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less. – Brendan Francis
36. You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. – Henny Youngman
37. Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. – Woody Allen
38. Happiness is an agreeable sensation, arising from contemplating the misery of others. – Ambrose Bierce
39. It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. – Albert Camus
40. Virtue is it’s own punishment.
41. Life is like an onion : you peel off layer after layer, then you find there is nothing in it.
42. As is a tale, so is life : not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. – Seneca
43. The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings. _ Okakaura Kaknzo
44. Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway.
45. Dieting : wishful shrinking.
46. Character is what you are. Reputation is what people think you are.
47. Don’t judge a book by its movie.
48. Courage atrophies from lack of use.
49. All that is free, cost some thing later.
50. Bad habits are like comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.
51. It is often easier to fight fir principles than to live up to them. – Adlai Stevenson
52. It is not how much we have , but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. – Charles H.Spurgeon
53. Opinions can not survive if one has no chance to gight for them. – Thomas Mann
54. Home is not where you live but where they ubderstand you. – Christian Morgensrm
55. A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerate your successes.
56. Marriage is a three rig circus; engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.
57. People who drink to drown their sorrow ahould be told that sorrow knows how to swim. – Ann Landers
58. The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. – Sven Goran Eriksson
59. Hope, the best comfort of our imperfect condition.
60. Opportunities multiply as they are seized. – Sun Tzu
61. Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them. – Khalil Gibran
62.Is the glass half full, or half empty? It depends on whether you’re pouring, or drinking. – Bill Cosby
63. A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. – Caskie Stinnett
64. Whoever said money can’t buy everything didn’t know where to shop.
65. Anger is one letter short of danger.
66. Learn from the mistake of others, because you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
67. Most good judgment come from experience. Most experience comes from bad judgment.
68. My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
69. The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.
70. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
71. Many wealthy people are like more than janitors of their possessions.- Frank Lloyd Wright
72. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. – Oscar Wilde
73. The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. – Samuel Johnson
74. Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge where there is no river.- Nikita Khrushchev
75. Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.- H.L.Mecken
76. A goodbye isn’t painful unless you’re never going to say hello again.
77. A bank is a place where they land you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.- Robert Frost
78. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.- Oscar Wilde
79. Any thing good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.- Pardo
80. I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. – Bill Cosby
81. Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. – Will Rogers
82. A day without laughter is a day wasted. – Charlie Chaplin
83. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity. – Albert Einstein
84. A rich man’s joke is always funny.
85. Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without no loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill
86. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.
87. Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. – Bertrand Russell
88. If you would know the value of money , go and try to borrow some. – Benjamin Franklin
89. Love your neighbors , but don’t pull down the fence. – Chinese proverb
90. A liberal is a man who is willing to spend somebody else’s money. – Carter Glass
91. No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come. – Victor Hugo
92. A fool and his money are soon parted, but you never call him fool till the money is gone.
93. A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a lamp to be lighted.
94. The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.
95. The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than settled.
96. There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.
97. Gratitude is merely the secret hope of future favors.
98. Friendship is like money easier than kept.
99. Business is the art of extracting money from another’s man’s pocket without resorting to violence.
100. Money can’t buy friends but it can get you a better class of enemy. – Spike Milligan
101. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. – Aldons Huxley
102. You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories. – Stanislaw J.Lec
103. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. – Aristotle
104. The bottom line of almost all the problems in the life, is money.
105. There are three great questions which in life we have over and over again answer. Is it right or wrong? Is it true or false ? Is it beautiful or ugly? Our education ought to help us to answer these questions. – John Lubbock
106. An optimist sees opportunity in every calamity. A pessimist sees calamity in every opportunity.
107. The client who pays the least, complains the most.
108. Every0ne lives by selling something. – Robert Louis Stevenson
109. In character, in manners, in style, in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity. – Longfellow
110. Too lose money ill is indeed in the nature of a crime, but to get it ill is a worse one and to spend it ill is worst of all. J.Ruskin
111. Never under estimate your enemies.
112. Never claim as a right what you can ask as a favor. – Churton
113. Life is like riding a bicycle, you don’t fall off unless you stop pedaling.
114. It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody.
115. You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

कारवाँ गुज़र गया

स्वप्न झरे फूल से,मीत चुभे शूल से,लुट गये सिंगार सभी बाग़ के बबूल से,और हम खड़ेखड़े बहार देखते रहे।कारवाँ गुज़र गया, गुबार देखते रहे!

नींद भी खुली न थी कि हाय धूप ढल गई,पाँव जब तलक उठे कि ज़िन्दगी फिसल गई,पातपात झर गये कि शाख़शाख़ जल गई,चाह तो निकल सकी न, पर उमर निकल गई,गीत अश्क बन गए,छंद हो दफन गए,साथ के सभी दिऐ धुआँधुआँ पहन गये,और हम झुकेझुके,मोड़ पर रुकेरुकेउम्र के चढ़ाव का उतार देखते रहे।कारवाँ गुज़र गया, गुबार देखते रहे।

क्या शबाब था कि फूलफूल प्यार कर उठा,क्या सुरूप था कि देख आइना सिहर उठा,इस तरफ ज़मीन उठी तो आसमान उधर उठा,थाम कर जिगर उठा कि जो मिला नज़र उठा,एक दिन मगर यहाँ,ऐसी कुछ हवा चली,लुट गयी कलीकली कि घुट गयी गलीगली,और हम लुटेलुटे,वक्त से पिटेपिटे,साँस की शराब का खुमार देखते रहे।कारवाँ गुज़र गया, गुबार देखते रहे।

हाथ थे मिले कि जुल्फ चाँद की सँवार दूँ,होठ थे खुले कि हर बहार को पुकार दूँ,दर्द था दिया गया कि हर दुखी को प्यार दूँ,और साँस यूँ कि स्वर्ग भूमी पर उतार दूँ,हो सका न कुछ मगर,शाम बन गई सहर,वह उठी लहर कि दह गये किले बिखरबिखर,और हम डरेडरे,नीर नयन में भरे,ओढ़कर कफ़न, पड़े मज़ार देखते रहे।कारवाँ गुज़र गया, गुबार देखते रहे!

माँग भर चली कि एक, जब नई नई किरन,ढोलकें धुमुक उठीं, ठुमक उठे चरनचरन,शोर मच गया कि लो चली दुल्हन, चली दुल्हन,गाँव सब उमड़ पड़ा, बहक उठे नयननयन,पर तभी ज़हर भरी,गाज एक वह गिरी,पुँछ गया सिंदूर तारतार हुई चूनरी,और हम अजानसे,दूर के मकान से,पालकी लिये हुए कहार देखते रहे।कारवाँ गुज़र गया, गुबार देखते रहे।

- गोपालदास नीरज

इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो ...

इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!यह चाँद उदित होकर नभ में कुछ ताप मिटाता जीवन का,लहरालहरा यह शाखाएँ कुछ शोक भुला देती मन का, कल मुर्झानेवाली कलियाँ हँसकर कहती हैं मगन रहो, बुलबुल तरु की फुनगी पर से संदेश सुनाती यौवन का,तुम देकर मदिरा के प्याले मेरा मन बहला देती हो,उस पार मुझे बहलाने का उपचार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

जग में रस की नदियाँ बहती, रसना दो बूंदें पाती है,जीवन की झिलमिलसी झाँकी नयनों के आगे आती है, स्वरतालमयी वीणा बजती, मिलती है बस झंकार मुझे, मेरे सुमनों की गंध कहीं यह वायु उड़ा ले जाती है!ऐसा सुनता, उस पार, प्रिये, ये साधन भी छिन जाएँगे,तब मानव की चेतनता का आधार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

प्याला है पर पी पाएँगे, है ज्ञात नहीं इतना हमको,इस पार नियति ने भेजा है, असमर्थबना कितना हमको, कहने वाले, पर कहते है, हम कर्मों में स्वाधीन सदा, करने वालों की परवशता है ज्ञात किसे, जितनी हमको?कह तो सकते हैं, कहकर ही कुछ दिल हलका कर लेते हैं,उस पार अभागे मानव का अधिकार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

कुछ भी न किया था जब उसका, उसने पथ में काँटे बोये,वे भार दिए धर कंधों पर, जो रोरोकर हमने ढोए, महलों के सपनों के भीतर जर्जर खँडहर का सत्य भरा! उर में एसी हलचल भर दी, दो रात न हम सुख से सोए!अब तो हम अपने जीवन भर उस क्रूरकठिन को कोस चुके,उस पार नियति का मानव से व्यवहार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

संसृति के जीवन में, सुभगे! ऐसी भी घड़ियाँ आऐंगी,जब दिनकर की तमहर किरणे तम के अन्दर छिप जाएँगी, जब निज प्रियतम का शव रजनी तम की चादर से ढक देगी, तब रविशशिपोषित यह पृथिवी कितने दिन खैर मनाएगी!जब इस लंबेचौड़े जग का अस्तित्व न रहने पाएगा,तब तेरा मेरा नन्हासा संसार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

ऐसा चिर पतझड़ आएगा, कोयल न कुहुक फिर पाएगी,बुलबुल न अंधेरे में गागा जीवन की ज्योति जगाएगी, अगणित मृदुनव पल्लव के स्वर 'भरभर' न सुने जाएँगे, अलिअवली कलिदल पर गुंजन करने के हेतु न आएगी,जब इतनी रसमय ध्वनियों का अवसान, प्रिय हो जाएगा,तब शुष्क हमारे कंठों का उद्गार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

सुन काल प्रबल का गुरु गर्जन निर्झरिणी भूलेगी नर्तन,निर्झर भूलेगा निज 'टलमल', सरिता अपना 'कलकल' गायन, वह गायकनायक सिन्धु कहीं, चुप हो छिप जाना चाहेगा! मुँह खोल खड़े रह जाएँगे गंधर्व, अप्सरा, किन्नरगण!संगीत सजीव हुआ जिनमें, जब मौन वही हो जाएँगे,तब, प्राण, तुम्हारी तंत्री का, जड़ तार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

उतरे इन आखों के आगे जो हार चमेली ने पहने,वह छीन रहा देखो माली, सुकुमार लताओं के गहने, दो दिन में खींची जाएगी ऊषा की साड़ी सिन्दूरी पट इन्द्रधनुष का सतरंगा पाएगा कितने दिन रहने!जब मूर्तिमती सत्ताओं की शोभाशुषमा लुट जाएगी,तब कवि के कल्पित स्वप्नों का श्रृंगार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

दृग देख जहाँ तक पाते हैं, तम का सागर लहराता है,फिर भी उस पार खड़ा कोई हम सब को खींच बुलाता है! मैं आज चला तुम आओगी, कल, परसों, सब संगीसाथी, दुनिया रोतीधोती रहती, जिसको जाना है, जाता है।मेरा तो होता मन डगडग मग, तट पर ही के हलकोरों से!जब मैं एकाकी पहुँचूँगा, मँझधार न जाने क्या होगा! इस पार, प्रिये मधु है तुम हो, उस पार न जाने क्या होगा!

- बच्चन

Living through the most remarkable period...

My father was born in 1887, 10 years before the birth of Nataji Subhas Chandra Bose (1897) and 2 years before Jawahar Lal Nehru (1889). A boy whose parents died at a tender age but he became a doctor of big name and fame. He was a hero in the real life who went from rags to riches.

He used to say proudly that he had lived through the most remarkable period of Indian independence movement and the period of amazing discoveries in the history of medicine. The advancements which had occurred in his life time in the field of medical technology, diagnosis and treatment, had revolutionized the profession. He said dozens of treatment for diseases such as Diphtheria and Gonorrhoea used to be listed in Materia Medica. In fact, non of which was effective. There was a natural feeling among physicians in that era, that “it is better to do something than to do nothing”. “The less a disease was understood, the larger the number of treatments were available”. Aspirin and Quinine existed when he entered in practice. Later came, one after the other, accessory food factors, to be known later as “vitamins” making possible to understand deficiency diseases e.g; pellagra and beriberi , diabetes was recognized as deficiency in pancreatic insulin secrition, organic mercurials for edema , arsenic preparation Salvarsan (Arsphenamine) for syphilis, from red dye Prontosil came sulfanilamide, and vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, were discovered. Cortisone came to be known. The greatest wonder in all, Penicillin., was discovered by Alexander Fleming at St.Mary’s hospital, London. Prior to that no body believed, that such an antibacterial substance , which could be used safely in human beings would be possible. The armamentarium went on further to include streptomycin, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol. Use of anesthetics also became popular in his life time, bringing unbelievable advancement in surgical field. Taking blood pressure became prevalent in 1930s. It is also true that in 1930s, Roentgen therapy was endorsed for many skin conditions and in 1940s coronary occlusion was considered to occur during sleep or at rest, not with exertion. He said no effective drugs were available till 1950s to treat hypertension. He often repeated smiling, a maxim regarding skin diseases “ If it’s dry, wet it, if it’s wet, dry it, and when in doubt, use steroids.” He was glad that the days of purgation, cut & bleed the patient, leeches, douches, cupping, poultices, plasters, messages and baths are over. The use of galenic preparations e.g; tinctures , extracts, syrups, essences, elixiers, wines and emulsions had faded from practice. Poisson drugs such as arsenic, strychnine, stramonium, nux vomica, lobella, and others e.g; creosote, musk, cannabis indica had become obsolete. He said the drugs which continued to be used till then, from the old pharmacopoeia , were; atropine, digitalis, chloral hydrate, quinidine and codeine. He prepared a hand book of medical treatment (red hard cover diaries of Indon Pharma) and beautifully drew on first page “ Caduceus”, the staff and twin serpents, symbolism of medicine. He had seen the history of medicine in making. .
While attending a patient he always gave a personal touch, inquiring about the welfare of the family, about the work etc. He always remembered people by their first name. When asked how he did it ? He said laughing “Tricks of the trade.” He used to affectionately put his hand on patients head or shoulder and say “ Every thing is going to be alright. I will see to it”. He was master in cheering up the patients. He said “ Approach the patient as an individual not as “case” or “disease”. He is human, fearful, and hopeful, seeking relief, help and assurance.” He said, “listen the patient with empathy, observe the way he describe the symptoms, inflection of voice, facial expressions, as attitude betrays important clues. Some patients use illness to gain attention or even feign illness”. He examined the patents methodically. He said “ I don’t want to make mistake. Reputations of doctors, especially negative one, are created very quickly and recast very slowly.” He said “ decision to run tests should be very thoughtful.” He used to go on house calls also when required, carrying with him a brown leather doctor’s emergency box. But he never accepted any refreshments in patient house when on professional visit. He often complained that day by day we are losing human touch in the practice and becoming machine like. Direct one –to- one physician-patient relationship is in jeopardy. He blamed participation of specialists for leaving no body to guide the patient continuously through an illness. He was a firm believer that a doctor must have a career long thirst for new knowledge.

He tried to maintained good relations with the other medical practitioners. The medical profession is a closed society in many ways. It has its own language and code of behavior, and to outsiders it erects a formidable wall. But inside that wall is an increasingly dynamic and pluralistic world. He said “ There is a surface collegiality among doctors. They socialize among themselves, and some doctors count at least one other doctor as a good friend. But it’s not surprising that they turn their criticism on their colleagues, too. They regard them with disdain, bemusement, envy, and respect, and a very few with something approaching awe.” Many doctors speak of their colleagues with contempt, calling them “quacks” . The medical college doctors look down on private practice doctors, and many private practitioners accuse the academic doctors in medical colleges of living in ivory towers and not knowing the first thing about taking care of patients. It is akin to class warfare. In private practice one has to develop contacts and keep good terms by going to parties, sending gifts, and attending meetings. A “referral game is to be played. One calls different specialists depending on the problem so they can take their share and they in return send their patient, the cycle goes on.

He hated doctors playing God. He said “ Never say to terminal patients, you have so and so time to live. I like to tell patients that some people with their illness live for only a few months, but others can survive for several years, and there is no way to predict how you will do.” He said “ I have seen doctors get annoyed as hell when a patient lived for a year or two after the doctor had predicted they’d be dead in three months. These doctors hate being proved wrong more than they enjoy seeing a patient live longer.”

He had found real joy in being small-town doctor, in being an intimate part of people’s lives . He was important to them. He said “ You walk down the street and see someone who was at death’s door a few months before, and you remember being up all night and getting them through their medical crisis. And you go to people’s homes when they’re dying, and you try to ease their pain and family’s grief and help them feel they are doing the right thing. You feel very privileged and complimented to share those emotions and to be a part of that. It’s a kind of satisfaction, that you can’t get in any other field. But this is ending. Such doctors as we’ve known it is fading away.” Medical practice does not mean cheating and milking the public. Money has taken over medicine. There have always been some business aspect to medical practice, medicine, in the most fundamental sense, is not a business. It’s not just the fault of the doctors. It seems to be the way our society is going, and doctors are part of it.

Also for doctors, the death of a patient is the most painful and humbling experience in their professional life. It is the ultimate proof that the doctor’s art is limited and the human body and spirit are an untapped mystery. He said ” Not all deaths are sad or tragic. The death of a ninety-year-old man who has lived a good life may be poignant, but you know that that man has lived out his life. It’s the young lives cut short that are hard to face. There aren’t many doctors without a memory of a dying patient that will stay with him for rest of his life.”

He believed that reading news paper is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Every day with out fail he read “Hindustan Times Daily”, news paper, keeping abreast with current state of domestic and world events. He held that world is becoming small day by day. He also held clear views in politics.

He said, : (1). That the greatest mistake Hitler did like Napoleon in the past, was to invade Russia. (2). That India got independence much earlier only because Churchill lost elections after second world war and Clement Attlee of labour party came to power, who wanted the British Raj to expeditiously withdraw its forces and to extricate as many of its assets as possible from what seemed to him to have become more of an imperial burden and liability than any real advantage for Great Britain. He liked to remind the prophecy made by Winston Churchill in the British Parliament when Prime Minister Clement Attlee announced the Labour Party Government’s decision to hand over power to India in 1947. Churchill said “ Power will go into the hands of rascals, rogues, and freebooters. Not a bottle of water or a loaf of bread will escape taxation. Only the air will be free and the blood of these hungry millions will be on the head of Attlee. These are men of straw of whom no trace will be found after a few years. They will fight among themselves and India will be lost in political squabbles” His comment was that it is better to live in the mess of our own making than have foreigners settle our squabbles. (3). That the congress party of Nehru-Gandhi was as much responsible for partition as Jinnah and his Muslim league. In 1946, when Lord Pethick Lawrence was appointed head of India office, an old admirer of Gandhi, came to New Delhi with a three man cabinet deputation for transferring power to a single Indian administration proposing a three tier federation of India integrated by a central government in Delhi handling foreign affairs, communication and defense, accepted the proposal. India was going to remain Undivided. But than reelected president of congress Nehru announced at his press conference that he is not bound by this constitutional formula. This angered Jinnah and he withdrew his agreement demanding separate Muslim nation. Jinnah could not be convinced later and India was divided. (4). That Mahatma Gandhi was a saint not a politician.(5). That he was assassinated (January 30,1948) because of the wrong steps taken by the congress government against the wishes of public.(6) That the congress party should have been dissolved after independence as Gandhi proposed. (7). That Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel (d.1950) was a much better choice for first prime minister of India than Nehru. (8). That India needed a dictator like a person of the stature of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, at lest for first 10 years after independence, to set the things right. But Nehru-Gandhi had compelled him to leave congress president ship in 1938. (9).That the Nehru’s charismatic brilliance and popularity helped to hide the continuity of India’s grave problems. Not only they did not disappear, they worsened under his leadership. (10).That the Nehru’s socialistic policies and autocratic style of governance was not taking India any where. (11). That Nehru was the person who unnecessarily complicated the issue of Jammu & Kashmir. (12). That the decision of Nehru of redesigning states on the basis of Languages (1956) was a grave mistake. (13). That the cause of Nehru’s death (May 27,1964) was actually Chinese invasion, which gave a fatal blow to his most cherished principals & ideas. His foreign policy of nonalignment based on “Panch Shila”, five principals, failed. (14). He was very sick during Bangladesh crisis, but continued reading daily news papers and listening BBC news on radio. He hailed Nehru’s daughter, Indra Gandhi, calling her, like many others, as “Durga” the eight-armed, tiger-riding, invincible deity in Hindu pantheon. He said, she was indeed a real man among most of the men around her. He also said that Pakistan was destined to split from the day, it was carved. These happened to be his last views in politics before his death.

He knew that he did not have a lot of time left. On saying that he is going to live many more years, he replied "Don't try to flatter an old man who knows death can't be far away. I may be ancient but I'm not yet senile."

Lying down idle in the bed formented him the most. He said that was the worst time when the past came back with a vengence, the could-haves and should-haves bothred most. During his last days , he said , that he had reached most of the goals he set for himself as a youg boy. He died on March 17, 1972.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

कदम-कदम पर ज़िंदगी

कदम-कदम पर ज़िंदगी, दर्द रही है झेल
ज्यों सुरंग के बीच से, गुज़र रही है रेल.

कितना छोटा हो गया, अपना घर संसार
शीशे में बौना लगे, अपना ही आकार.

चिनगारी के बीज से, उगा आग का पेड़
आँखें करती ही रहीं, सपनों से मुठभेड़.

अंक गणित सी ज़िंदगी, पढ़े पहाड़ा रोज़
अपने ही धड़ पर लगे, अपना यह सिर बोझ.

What Is A Dad ?

A Dad is a person who is loving and kind,
And often he knows what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends.
A dad can be one of your very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs,
but when things go wrong,
A dad can be patient and helpful and strong
In all that you do, a dad's love plays a part.
There's always a place for him deep in your heart.
And each year that passes, you're even more glad,
More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!
Thank you, Dad...for listening and caring,
for giving and sharing,but, especially,
for just being you!

With love,


I am agnostic. I believe that it is impossible to know if God exists. (a=not & gignoskein=know) I am unable also to come to terms with the phenomenon of death. I know it is inevitable, it is a profound reality, more real than anything in life but I can not accept the notion of rebirth (reincarnation) nor of the Day of Judgment . What exactly is death ?To me death is a final full stop for all living beings beyond which there is a void that no one has been able to penetrate. We simply dissolve into nothingness. Tom Stoppard echoed some of my frustrations when he wrote, "Death is the absence of presence, nothing more... the endless time of never coming back... a gap you can't see.And when the wind blows through it, it makes no sound." Or, as Paul Valery put it, "death speaks to us with a deep voice but has nothing to say." There is another interesting fact about death as it is said in Mahabharat, that the greatest miracle of life is that, while we know that death is invitable, no one really believes that he too will die one day. Death comes to others; we expect to go on living forever. I also find no rational basis for accepting the theory of the system of reward and punishment in heaven or hell. For me, if there is a paradise, it has to be a paradise on earth.

My understanding of region is different. All I believe is live and let live. The rest is marginal. Gods, prophets, scriptures, rituals, pilgrimages mean very little to me. In the name of religion unlimited blood had been shed ruthlessly in the word. Karl Marx was an atheist. He erred on many points but he was right in saying that religion is an opiate of the masses.

To the westerners brought upon Hebraic, Christian and Islamic beliefs, the Hindu-Jain-Buddhist-Sikh concept of Samsara-birth, death and rebirth – appears altogether more sophisticated than their theories of the Day of Judgement, heaven and hell. Is there any rational basis for believing that there is life after death ? Our scriptures (Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh) state categorically that there is. Most of this belief is taken from the Upanishads and summarized in the Gita.. It is maintained that on death, the body dies but the soul lives on. The soul changes bodies as person changes his or her clothes. The Kathopanishad asserts that birth, decay and death occur only to the material body but there is something beyond the body which does not perish. It is the “atman” hidden in the heart’s cavity. “Every seventh year all the particles of the body change and get renewed but still one is the same person; the identity never changes.” The question is, what is the foundation of this identity ? What exactly “atman” is remains shrouded in mystery answered by the negative, not this, not that. It is all-pervasive “parmatma” as well as individual “jivatman”. When the latter merges into the former, “jyoti jyoti milay” your light mingles with eternal light (Adi grantha), and a person achieves liberation “moksha” from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. At the same time our Hindu theology also provides a system of reward and punishment through the theory of transmigration of souls as well as an interregnum, the state of limbo in which the soul subsists awaiting decision whether to be reborn as a good person for good deeds or as vermin as punishment for evil acts in previous life. By argument one cannot explain what exists after death; “naisa tarkana matir apaneya”. There cannot be any scientific proof that the a’atman” exists after death, it is ever present in the sense that it cannot be verified. No one has the foggiest idea 0f what the soul really is. So why labour with argument : those who believe will go on believing, those who don’t are not likely to be converted by jugglery of beautiful phrases. I find the soul is yet another figment of the human imagination created to buttress notions of an afterlife.

My view of the origin of life on our planet ? Do I accept the Judeo-Christian-Muslim belief of it being created by a supreme God or do I accept Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, not from divine but natural causes – from amoeba to fish to land creatures, birds, mammals, monkeys right up to man ? There is also the intermediate theory put forward by Hinduism and its off-shoots (Jainism-Buddhism, Sikhism) of order “rata” emerging from chaos by the intervention of divinity in the form of a creator, preserver and destroyer. “Personally I do not accept the theory of a divine creator of life”.

I do not understand, why do people pray ? Even murderers and bandits pray for success before they go on their murderous or robbing missions, and that the worst black marketers, smugglers, and tax evaders are often very devout. Most people pray for money, success, and good health. Ask yourself, does strict adherence to the routine of prayer or telling beads of a rosary make someone a better person ? serve any useful purpose ?

We are on trickier ground when we describe God as omniscient, omnipotent, benign and just. There is so much injustice and cruelty in the world, so much suffering imposed on the innocent and the god-fearing that it can scarcely be argued that there is a divine purpose behind it. When a child of six going to school is crushed to death by a drunk truck driver who gets away with it, how can anyone ascribe it to a merciful and just God? Either He did not have the power to prevent the accident or was callous enough to inflict suffering on the child’s family. Where was God when evil-minded people planted a bomb in the Kanishka and sent hundreds of innocent men, women and children to a watery grave? Or when an earthquake destroys the village after village ? When gas leak from the a factory kills thousands and thousand people ? Unless we can answer these questions rationally and not shelter behind explanations like ‘atoning for sins committed in previous births’ or being rewarded in heaven, it is better to keep silent.

The important thing to remember is that belief in God has nothing to do with being good or bad. You can be a saintly person without believing in God and a detestable villain believing in Him.

All religious scriptures are held in awe either as words of God or divinely inspired utterances. I have discovered that people who are moved by recitation of scriptures of any religion ( which are full of praises showered on God) are more hypnotized by the sound of their words than their sense: the more obscure the language the greater its spell-binding power. The more one try to understand their meaning through translations the less one will be impressed by them. Without exception they are unscientific (one can’t blame their authors as at the time science was little advanced), repetitive and tediously boring. Personally I get more out of Shakespeare, Goethe, Kalidas, Ghalib, Tagore and Iqbal than I get out of all the religious classics put together.

The scriptures for whatever they are worth should be read and understood and not worshipped. In this context the most difficult phenomenon to explain is the way Sikhs, who others boast of not being idol worshippers, treat their sacred book ‘ Granth Sahib”. They put it to bed at night, rouse it in the morning, drap it in expensive raiment, have elaborate canopies over it, wave fly whisks while reading it, take it out in massive procession. They organize non-stop reading of it ‘akhand path’ that last for two days and nights by a relay of readers (often hired at different rates for different purposes), and believe that its recitation, even when they are asleep in another room, does them good. I often wonder what the gurus whose works are compiled in the Granth Sahib would have had to say of their followers, few of whom even try to understand their messages. Similar disappointing sight I used to witness in my childhood In jain temple, when the devotees used to open the doors of book shelfs storing scriptures and perform ‘aarti’ after daily ‘pooja’ ceremony.

It cannot be disputed that we Indians, whether we be Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhist, or Parsees, spend more time on religious rituals than any other people in the world. The Hindi adage “saat vaar aur aath teohaar’ (there are seven days in the week but eight religious festivals) is not an overstatement. Count the number of religious holidays we have in a year. Then add up the number of hours people spend saying their prayers, going to places of worship, on pilgrimages, taking care of sadhu and sanyases, attending satsangs, listening to pravachans, kirtans, bhajans, qawwalis etc. It comes to a staggering total. Also prime morning time which can be utilized in many useful activities like exercise to keep fit and studies, is spend in temple going and extended prayers and performing pooja. Ask yourself if a developing poor nation like India can afford to expend so much time in pursuits that produces no material benefits.

Agreed that it is entirely up to all individuals to spend his or her time as they like. If they get fulfillment out of prayer and ritual they have every right to do so. But what men of religion have no right to do is to impose their religiosity on other people. The use of loudspeakers for azaan or kirtan and bhajan mandalies amounts to such an imposition. The craziest example is the all-night jagarans and aakhand-kirtan which disturb the sleep of entire localities, disrupt studies of students and injure heath from noise pollution. The use of official media like radio and TV for propagating religions through broadcasts of celebrations and hymns needs to be curbed. Taking out processions through crowded bazaars and upsetting civic life also amounts to imposition of one’s ritual on other people, and should be discouraged. One should not forget that such religious processions and public ceremonies are often cause of bloody communal riots.

A modern fad which has gained widespread acceptance among the semi-educated who wish to appear secular and modern, is the practice of meditation. They proclaim with an air of smug superiority, “Main mandir-vandir nahin jaata, meditate karta hoon (I don’t go to temple or other such places , I meditate)” The exercise involves sitting lotus-pose (padma asana), regulating one’s breathing and making your mind go blank to prevent it from ‘jumping about like monkey’s from one (thought) branch to another. It is said that this intense concentration awakens the kundalini serpent coiled at the base of the spine. It travels upwards through charkas (circles) till it reaches its destination in the cranium. Then the kundalini is fully jaagrit (roused) and the person is assured to have reached his goal. What does meditation achieve ? The usual answer is ‘peace of mind’. If you probe further, and what does peace of mind achieve ?’, you will get no answer because there is none. Peace of mind is a sterile concept which achieves nothing. The exercise may be justified as therapy for those with disturbed mind or those suffering from some psychiatric problem, but there is no evidence to prove that it enhances creativity. On the contrary it can be established by statistical data that all the great works of art, literature, science and music were works of highly agitated minds, at times minds on the verge of collaose.

I get angry by the atmosphere that prevails at the places of pilgrimage – Hindu, Muslim, Jain and Sikh, all over the country, the large number of people who make their living by parasiting on hapless pilgrims, and the total absence of an aura of sanctity that one naively expect to see. I find that religious parasitism is a phenomenon more of the Indo-Gangetic plain; one sees much less of it in the South. Though mosques, gurudwaras and jain temples are free of agents of religious organizations and keep beggars outside sacred premises, every where corruption and misuse of offerings are a common practice. Recent incident of Swami Jayendra Saraswathi Kanchi Shankaracharya, one of the four main Hindu pontiffs, who has million of followers in India and abroad, arrested on charges of plotting and being an accomplice in the murder of a former official Thiru Sankararaman (critical of Shankarachary’s unholy activities) of his hermitage, and also attempted murder of G.Radhakrishnan, his wife & another person in Madras in 2002, has sent shock waves in Tamil Nadu and beyond.

There is little to choose between Sufi Dargahs like those of Hazrat Moinuddin Chisti in Ajmer and Nizamuddin Auliya in New Delhi and historic Hindu temples such as vaishno Devi in Jammu; those in Mathura, Varanasi, Vindravan, Badrinath, Hardwar, and Allahabad in UP/Utrakhand; lingaraj and Jagannath in Orissa and Kali temple in Kolkata . All of them have as many beggars as worshippers and everywhere you go you are accosted by men armed with receipt books asking for donations for some charity or the other. And without exception they are ill-maintained, squalid and filthy. The most sinister freemasonry is that of the pandas who fatten on pilgrims’ religious susceptibilities by robbing them shamelessly. This practice is continuing unabatedly particularly in Hardwar , Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneswar and the jagannath temple at Puri. At Puri the Pandas begin to close round you half a mile away from the temple and do not leave you till they have extracted whatever you have in cash on your person. It can be a harrowing experience. Most of the temples are far from being clean and properly looked after. There is none of the solemnity one expects in a place of worship.

In the quest of getting answers to my questions in this regard, I have visited many “ashrams” and heard discourses by munis, acharys, grus, godman, swamis, and mullahs. They bamboozle with jargon and have nothing very new to say. Most of their sermons are variations of the theme that God dwells within every human being and if people looked inwards they would find Illumination, Truth and Reality. It is no more than pouring new wine in old bottles. These grus read very little beyond Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, the Upanishads and the epics, and rarely bothered to read books on Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Vardhamana Mahavir of Jains and Buddha knew Hinduism but nothing else. They were rebellions against the orthodox Vedic ritualistic cult of that time. I am not sure what Zarathustra knew when he elevated the flame into a symbol of purity. We are on better ground to dig into the material on which Jewish prophets built the edifice of the Hebrew faith. We know that Christianity, and following Christianity, Islam heavily borrowed from the teachings of the prophets of the Old Testament. Islam boasts that its founder prophet Mohammed was totally unlettered. Jainism (also Buddhism) does not espouse belief in a creator god, it has its ethical core the doctrine of “ahimsa” or reframing from harming or injuring (by body, mind, or speech) any living being. Jainism is opposed to the Vedic religion and Upanisadic theory of atman but accepts the theory of rebirth, heaven and hell. The theology of Sikhism is largely based on Vedanta.

I find that these religions teach us to renounce life. They are all life – negative, their whole approach is pessimistic. They are all against life and its joys.

To me , life and God are synonymous. Life is full of pleasant things. Life should be lived as intensely as possible. Not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties, all the joys, all that life offers and offers only once. In fact, life is a far better world than God itself, because God is only a philosophical term, while life is real, existential. The word “God” exists only in scriptures, it is a word , a mere word invented by men out of the fear and inability to understand and to control innumerable events in nature. The ancient men borrowed the concept of the creator, omnipotent, and compassionate God from the early tribal head system.

Life is within us and without us – in the animals, in the trees, in the plants, and in the whole universe. This whole existence is a dance of life. Life has no arm other than itself, because life is another name for God himself. Every thing else in the world can have an aim, can be a means to an end, but at least one thing one has to leave as the end of all but the means of none. One can call it existence, one can call it God, one can call it life. These are different names of a single reality.

God is the name given to life by the theologians and it has a danger in it because it can be refuted; it can be argued against. Almost half of the earth does not believe in any God. Not only the communists, but the Jains and Buddhists and there are thousands of free thinkers who are atheists. The name “God” is not very defensible because it is given by man and there is no evidence, no proof, no argument for it. It remains more or less an empty word. I t means whatever one want it to mean.

When we have only one life to live, and not knowing when it will come to an end, I want to get as much out of it as I can. I will indulge my senses to the full; see all that is beautiful in the world; its mountains, lakes, its sea-shores and its deserts; I will gaze with wide-eyed wonder at rain clouds rolling by and marvel at rainbows spanning the horizons; I will savour the delicacies of different countries and sample their vintage wines; I will listen to good music, and go into trances watching beautiful ballerinas dancing on the stage; I will inhale the fragrance of flowers, herbs, perfumes and of the dry earth when the first drops of rain fall on it; I will ogle at lovely women, make passes at them and if they are responsive, I will see what I am able to do. I am not a hedonist who indulges himself in the sensual for the sake of indulgence. The good things of life can only be enjoyed by people who have put in an honest days' hard work which gives them a sense of fulfilment.

Worship God in any form you like, that essentially is what Hinduism teaches. Hindus have no prescribed scriptures: no Zend-Avesta, no Torah, no Bible, no Koran. Read what moves you the most. Seek the Truth within yourself. And, is not the message of Gita spiritually elevating ? Nish kama karma; do your duty without expectation of reward. When you engage in the battle of life, do so regardless of whether you win or lose, whether it gives you pleasure or pain. There is also the Lord’s promise to come again and again to redeem the world from sin and evil-doing. Hinduism has no prophets, no one God, one can choose any deity one likes and worship him or her. All this Hindu philosophy is very well but what is the justification in worshiping a monkey as a god, an elephant as a god ; they worship trees, cows, snakes, and rivers. They also worship the “lingam”, which is the phallus (penis), and the “yoni”(vulva), the female genital, as god and goddess. They have obscene sculptures on their temple walls. They have deities for measles, smallpox and plague. Their most popular god, Krishna, started out as a thief and lied when caught thieving; he stole girls clothes while they were bathing so he could watch them naked; he had over one thousand mistresses; his lifelong companion was not his wife but his aunt Radha. Hinduism is the only religion in the world which declares a section of its followers outcastes by accident of birth. Hindus are the only people in the world who worship living humans as godmen and godwomen. There are such innumerable men and women who claim to be bhagwans. Hindus believe a dip in the Ganges washes away all their sins, so they can start sinning again. What basis is there for their belief that after death you are reborn in another form depending on your actions in this life ? You may be reborn as a rat, mouse, cat dog or a snake as the hindues believe.

What does all this amount to ? Not very much. I don't know where I came from, I dont't know the purpose of my existence; I don't know where I will go when I die. I fear I may make an ass of myself at the time of my death - most people do. I don't want to cry for help, or ask God to forgive me my sins and make any display of weakness. I would like to go smiling or I would like to go in sleep.


Marriage is a rotten, man-made institution. To live in any institution is not good. Any institution is destructive. Marriage has destroyed almost all possibilities of happiness for million of people – and all for useless things. It survived because we have not been able to devise any better man-women relationship that would provide security for our offsprings.

All marriages are fake – just social and sexual conveniences.

Marriage corrodes the personalities of both husband and wife, and most couples put up with it as best as they can by becoming indifferent, frequently unfaithful, bored and irritable with each other. Few have the energy or the courage to face social censure and call it off. Lack of being economically independent is another reason for women to remain entangled in this bondage. Whatever amount of religious, social or moral camouflage is done, the nature of man remains polygamous. Rarely if ever, does a monogamous union turn out to be an exhilarating and a jointly creative venture of a life time.

There are some good marriages, but practically no delightful ones. (La Rochefoucauld)

Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance (Jane Austen)

The chief cause of unhappiness in married life is that people think that marriage is sex attraction, which takes the form of promises and hopes and happiness – a view supported by public opinion and by literature. But marriage cannot cause happiness. Instead, it is always torture, which man has to pay for satisfying his sex urge. (Tolstoy)

It’s a funny thing that when a man hasn’t anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. (Robert Frost)

The only charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception necessary for both parties. (Oscar Wilde)

People marry for a variety of reasons, and with varying results; but to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy. (James Branch Cabell)

How many young hearts have reveled the fact that what they had been trained to imagine the highest earthly felicity (marriage) was but the beginning of care, disappointment, and sorrow, and often led to the extremity of mental and physical suffering. (Catharine Esther Beeclear)

Most marriage don’t add two people together. They subtract one from the other (Ian Fleming)

After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin : they just cannot face each other, yet they still stay together (Hemant Joshi)

Marriage is the waste-paper basket of emotions (Sidney Webb)

In marriage, a man becomes slack and selfish, and undergoes a fatty degeneration of his moral being (Robert Louis Stevenson)

All tragedies are finished by a death, all comedies are ended by a marriage (Lord George Gordon Byron)

Marriage is the operation by which a woman’s vanity and a man’s egotism are extracted without an anaesthetic. (Helen Rowland)

Marriage, we cannot do without it, and yet we disgrace and vilify the same. As it happens with cages, the birds without are desperate to get in, and those within despair of getting out (Michel de Montaingne)

Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity. (George Bernard Shaw)

Many a marriage hardly differs from prostitution, except being harder to escape from. (Bertrand Russell)

Marriage is the state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two. (Ambrose Bierce)

Marriage is one long conversation, chaquered by disputes (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Marriage is not something that happens in heaven, it happens here through the crafty priests. The very ritual of marriage is ridiculous and bogus. Whole of it can be done in the reverse order and nullified.

Marriage is not really a natural state. In nature, coupling is almost always for the sole purpose of mating. Few members of the animal kingdom stay together in couples after mating, except for carrier pigeons and whales. Are you going to stay together with one mate because of carrier pigeons and whales ? (Dan Greenberg & O’Malley)

Why should you get married ? If you love some one, live with some one – it is part of your basic rights. A few basic truths have to be recognized. One is that nobody is born for another. The second is that nobody is here to fulfill your ideas of how he should be. The third is that you are master of your own love, and you can give as much as you want- but you can not demand love from the other person, because nobody is a slave. If these simple facts are understood, then it does not matter you are married or unmarried, you can be together – allowing space to each other, never interfering in each other’s individuality.

When married people don’t get on they can separate, but if they’re not married it’s impossible. It’s a tie that death can sever. (“The Circle” – W. Somerset Maugham)

We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations – we’re doing everything we can to keep our marriage together. (Rodney Dangerfield)


People say love is a spiritual experience – nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being. It is a reward from the beyond. It showers on you like flowers…. fills your being. And it goes on showering on you, and it brings with it a tremendous longing to share. Love is both. It is rich and it is painful, it is agony and it is ecstasy. I find love, a biological infatuation dependent on hormones. There is nothing spiritual in it. There is nothing special about it. What distinction is between love and lust ? When you say to someone, ”I love you” have you ever thought what you mean ? Is it just biological infatuation between the two sexes ? Then once you have satisfied your animal appetite, all so-called love will disappear. It was just a hunger and you have fulfilled your hunger and you are finished. The same women who was looking the most beautiful in the world, the same man who was looking a hero – you start thinking how to get rid of this fellow.

The sexuality part in love reminds me of our animality – it reminds me of our biological bondage, it reminds me that we are not free, we are under the slavery of the instincts given by nature; that our strings are pulled by nature just like a puppet. In sex one starts feeling humiliated as if he is losing his dignity, And then the fulfillment is so momentary, the satisfaction is so momentary. The ecstasy is just like a breeze, it comes and goes and leaves you in formlessness and timelessness while in deep orgasmic spasm. In fact sex is a strategy of nature to perpetuate itself. It is a mechanism that keeps you reproducing, otherwise people will disappear. Just think of a humanity where sex is no longer an instinct and you are free, at your own will, to go into sex or not. Then the whole thing will look so absurd, the whole thing will look ridiculous. Just think – if there is no instinctive force pulling you, I don’t think anybody will be ready to go into sex. There are reasons why people make love hiding from the public, from people – because it looks so ridiculous.

But sex cannot be renounced. People have tried to renounce it. Down the ages monks have been renouncing it. Sex has been condemned and suppressed , that is why it has become an obsession, a disease, a perversion. All the joy in the life disappears with out it, making one sad, suicidal and the life meaningless. The hue and cry has always been, “Sex is sin. Sex is irreligious. Sex is Poison” But sex has tremendous power; all life arises out of it. If it can bring a new life into existence, one can imagine its potential. I believe sex is the most mysterious, most profound, most precious and, at the same time, the most accursed subject; and we are still in darkness about it. We never pay enough attention to this important phenomenon. A man goes through the routine of coitus throughout his life, but does not know what it is really. One should approach sex with reverence. The journey to lust is also the journey to light.

There are no clearly – defined borders between youth, middle and old age. Some young men and women become middle-aged in their thirties, others remain young in their fifties and sixties; some become impotent in their youth, others continue to enjoy sex into their eighties. Indeed, most people will agree that as long as you are capable of enjoying sex you are young; when the sexual urge disappears, you have become old. Men are more obsessed with proving their potency than women and, when natural impulses begin to wane, will try all kinds of aphrodisiacs to keep going. Fortunately as a result of recent break through in medicine, very effective pills are now available (Viagra, Cialis and Levitra etc) to treat impotency. Equally effective and potent is the company of the young and vivacious. In monogamous marriages, the absence of variety and monotony deprive both partners of the urge to engage in lovemaking. Statistics show that in marriages which have lasted more than twenty years, the sex urge has all but disappeared. Attempts to revive it with the same partner are not successful, but failure to do so does not impair matrimonial closeness. Men in their sixties and seventies are still capable of sex once a week. The urge tapers off after seventy and is usually extinct in the eighties. Men and women who take to religion in their later life and spend most of their time in the company of their own age group, away from young people, age prematurely and lose the zest for life.

Medication for the treatment of high blood pressure and heavy drinking over many years can have disastrous effects on male or female potency. Alcohol may temporarily whip up desire, but it robs the drinker of the power to perform.

I have nothing against homosexuality as I regard it as natural as bisexuality. Some people are born that way; it also exists in the animal world. There is no clear black and white divide between the sexes, as male and females have masculine and feminine characteristics of different proportions in them; there is something of a women in every man and something of the man in every women. These traits surface at different times and in different circumstances in their lives. Hardly anyone goes through life without some homosexual experience or the other. Boys are exposed to it at school and college. Girls have crushes on their teachers or on each other during their adolescence. In purely male or female institutions like jails, ashrams, convents, monasteries, and the army, homosexuality is rampant. The vast majority of men and women grow out of it. A small minority continue to have homosexual or lesbian relationships because they find them more emotionally fulfilling. For some reason their incidence is higher amongst sensitive, creative people like artists, musicians, dancers, etc. than the ordinary run of humanity. These liaisons can be intensely marked with violent jealousies and may be life long. What confuses the sexual scene further is the fact that many of them are heterosexual.

No human beings can choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation (an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person) emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting the removal. For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.
Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not dictate his or her children's.
Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.
Often lesbian, gay and bisexual people feel afraid, different, and alone when they first realize that their sexual orientation is different from the community norm. This is particularly true for people becoming aware of their gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation as a child or adolescent, which is not uncommon. And, depending on their families and where they live, they may have to struggle against prejudice and misinformation about homosexuality. Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes. They may also fear being rejected by family, friends, co-workers, and religious institutions. Some gay people have to worry about losing their jobs or being harassed at school if their sexual orientation became well known. Unfortunately, gay, lesbian and bisexual people are at a higher risk for physical assault and violence than are heterosexuals.
Protection against violence and discrimination is very important, just as it is for other minority groups. Some states include violence against an individual on the basis of his or her sexual orientation as a "hate crime" and 10 U.S. states have laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Educating all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice.
The risk of exposure and infection of Gay and Bisexual men to HIV is, as for others, related to a person's behavior, not their sexual orientation. What's important to remember about HIV/AIDS is it is a preventable disease through the use of safe sex practices and by not using drugs.
Canada's Supreme Court has cleared way for gay marriages by ruling in December, 2004, that proposed legislation allowing such marriages is constitutional but the government cannot force religious officials to perform ceremonies against their beliefs. Canada would join Belgium and the Netherlands in allowing gay marriage.
Some world famous gay people :

Alexander the Great *Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C. / Socrates *Greek Philosopher,400B.C./ Aristotle *Greek philosopher, 384-322 B.C./Francis Bacon *English Statesman, author / Lord Byron *English poet,18thc. / Oscar Wilde *Irish author, 19th c. / E.M. Forster *English author, 20th c./ Julius Caesar *Roman Emperor, 100-44 B.C. / Queen Anne *English Queen, 18th c./ Marie Antoinette *French Empress, 18th c./ J. Edgar Hoover *U.S. director of the FBI., 20th c./ Rock Hudson *U.S. actor, 20th c./ Homi Bhaba *Indian nuclear physicist, / Aubrey Menon *Eminent Indian writer/ Amrita Shergil * Indian Elite lady / Firaq Gorakhpuri * famous Urdu poet / Veer Savarkar Vinayak Damodar “ Controversial Indian freedom fighter/ Dr. S. Radhakrishnan * Second President of India.

Thomas Szasz, a US psychiatrist, has said “ Masturbation, the primary sexual activity of mankind. In the nineteenth century it was disease; in the twentieth, it’s cure.”

It will make you go blind. It will make your palm grow hairy. It will deform your penis. Such myths about masturbation are largely a thing of past. It is well known that more or less every body indulges himself or herself in this self-pleasing activity at some or the other age. The latest research has even better news that it could protect against cancer prostate. Australian scientist Gilles says “It is a prostatic stagnation hypothesis” and “the more you flush the ducts out, the less is to hang around and damage the cells that line them”.
Masturbation is "sexual activity involving only one person." Other widely used emotionally neutral terms are: "self-stimulation," "auto-eroticism" and "self-pleasuring." Two negative terms which are not in wide usage are "self-abuse" and "onanism." There are hundreds of euphemisms such as "jacking off" (North American term) and "wanking" (UK term), "beating the bishop," "milking the lizard," "spanking the monkey," "choking the chicken," "jizzing," "spooging," "shooting your wad," etc.
Masturbation usually takes the form of rubbing one's genitals (sexual organs) with fingers, hands, and/or objects (e.g. a pillow). The optimum technique varies from person to person. Feelings of excitement build quickly. If continued, they will often produce an orgasm, and (in men) an ejaculation of semen. An orgasm is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as "a frenzy; great excitement; especially the climax of sexual excitement." To those who have experienced an orgasm, no explanation is needed; to those who have not experienced one, no explanation would be sufficient to describe the intensity of the feelings.
I find myself unable to appreciate the use of masturbatory paraphernalia, personal vibrators and devices such as dildos and blow-up dolls etc.

About diet & calories


The traditional Indian food and methods of cooking offer the best options for a diet that is safe, palatable and promotes health without denying the pleasure of taste. There is no ideal diet for all people and there is no formula for a miracle diet. Dieting is temporary, but healthy eating is a lifetime commitment. Crash or starvation diets are the most dangerous, and can cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels, a sudden slump in metabolic rate and lead to permanent organ damage. Proper eating will not show results unless it is combined with regular, moderate exercise.

The ideal daily intake of food is nine calories per pound of ideal body weight.

A rough formula to determine ideal body weight is HEIGHT IN CM MINUS 100 KG . For example if your height is 170 cm, your ideal body weight should be around 70 Kg. Obesity = Body weight 20% or more in excess of ideal (desirable) weight. ( To convert Pounds to Kilograms : 1 Kg=2.2 Lbs., 1 Lb=0.45 Kg. Feet & Inches to Centimeters : 1 Cm=0.39 in., 1 in=2.54 Cm.)

The breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day; fulfilling, interesting and balanced so that the body, hungry for the longest gap between last night’s meal and the morning, gets recharged. Lunch should be the next in size, with rice, roties, dal, vegetables/non-veg and curd. Dinner should be smallest – simple and frugal. Don’t be a gourmet at every meal, be a nibber.

Ideal Adult Diet :

2 glasses lukewarm water 5-7 almonds + ½ tsp til (sesame) + 1 fig + low fat milk with fruits or poha / mathi roti
2 missi rotis sauted vegetable or non-veg dish Soup (veg or non-veg) Roti, vegetable (quantity:
with dal & salad (quantity:75 % 0f breakfast) 50 % of lunch) -- Courtesy:Dr.Shikha Sharma

It is wrong to throw all fat contents out from meals and that fat from various sources is better than depending on a single oil, but it is the limit of the total intake that is crucial. A maximum of one tablespoon (15 gm) per person per day is fine. Don’t use the same oil for re-frying or cooking. Processed and tinned foods have a high fat contents. Nuts are very high in fat contents. Egg yolk and shrimps are high in cholesterol. Fats contain 45 calories per teaspoon.

Saturated fats : Butter, Ghee, Coconut and Palm oil – Raise level of Serum Cholesterol.
Unsaturated fats : are of 2 types : ( I ) Mono unsaturated fats : Olive oil, Peanut oil and Avocado oil – Considered neutral, because they do not raise or lower S. Cholesterol. ( II ) Poly unsaturated fats : Safflower, Sunflower, Sesame, Almond, Corn, Cotton seed, and Soya bean oils – Help lower S. Cholesterols.

A healthy adult needs 2,400 calories per day. Choose from :
(Source: Dietary guidelines for Indians, ICMR)

Rice 1 cup 170
Phulka one 80
Paratha one 150
Puri one 100
Bread 2 slices 170
Poha 1 cup 270
Idli 2 pieces 150
Dosa plane one 125
Khichdi 1 cup 200
Wheat porridge 1 cup 220
Plain dal 1 cup 100
Sambhar 1 cup 110
Vegetable with gravy 1 cup 170
Dry vegetable 1 cup 150
Omlette 1 egg 160
Chicken curry 1 cup 240
Fish fried 2 big pieces 220
Keema 6 small kofftas 240
Pakora 8 pieces 280
Papri chaat 5 pieces 220
Samosa 1 piece 200
Coconut chutney 2 tbsp 120
Chikki 2 pieces 290
Sandesh 2 pieces 140
Srikhand 1 cup 380
Sweet lassi 1 glass 110
Tea 1 cup 75
Coffee 1 cup 110
Milk whole per ml 0.9(One glass=300 ml=270)
Skimmed milk per ml 0.3 (One glass=90)
Ghee/vanaspati per ml 9.0
Butter 100 Grams 720
Cream cheese 100 Grams 370
Heavy cream 100 Grams 325
White bread 100 Gram 275
Biscuits 100 Grams 342
Cornflakes 100 Grams 372
Potato baked/mashed 100 Gram 100
Potato (French fried) 100 Grams 300
Potato chips 100 Gram 540
Chick-peas/Lentels 100 Gram 290
Ice cream 100 Gram 205 (Pies 100 Gram=250)
Jams 100 Grams 275 (Sugar 100 Gram=285)
Peanuts roasted 100 Gram 560
Banana one 95 calories + ½ Gram fat ( Dates 100 Gram 285 / Dried figs 100 Gram 270)

Some tips :

Alcohol has empty calories which turn into fat. Ethyl alcohol in alcoholic drinks increases blood pressure and in excess weakens heart muscles and damages liver. (½ cup beer = 50 calories)

Drink water or wine instead of colas with meals. Wines are compatible with Indian food, but colas create gaseous discomfort. * Don’t sprinkle extra salt over cooked foods. * Avoid eating at roadside restaurants. They use poor grade oils, which are reused over days. * Opt for missi roties (those made from coarser grains) and phulkas instead of naans and roomali roties which use maida. * Have only one gravy dish. Thick gravies retain saturated fats. Thumb rule : Less is more in gravies. * Stick to one type of cuisine. Don’t combine bhel and kachoris with American chopsuey. Or pork vindaloo with sambhar vada. * While ordering non-vegetarian, choose chicken or fish. Red meat, and pork increases bad cholesterol. * When you order, state whether you want your food steamed, stir-fried, sauted, grilled or baked. * A three-course meal is big enough. But a five-course one ? Avoidable. * Try roasted or baked namkeens instead of fried. * Eat vegetable raita instead of boondi raita. * Junk food should be junked.

The best and an effective way to loss weight and keep it off is not to limit the diet to special foods but to eat all nourishing foods – only a little less of them. If you are accustomed to eating three slices of toast in the morning and two eggs, cutting down to two slices or cutting out one egg is not really hardship. If one is in the habit of having 2 teaspoonful of sugar in a cup of coffee/tae, eliminating ½ followed by 1 teaspoonful, is not difficult. Imagine how much it will amount to in six months ? It is advisable to eat salad first instead of filling up on chapaties, curry and sweets. Remember the dictum “It is wise eating, not dieting, that works. Dieting has a beginning and an end, but wise eating has a lifetime continuity.”

The benefits of not being over weight are immense, such as removal of strain from the heart and glands, easier breathing, less of a load to carry around, less fatigue, more joy of living, improved physical appearance, less susceptibility to disease, less likelihood of diabetes, high blood pressure varicose veins, and arthritis , and less possibility of serious complications in pregnancy.

( Compiled from April 28, 2003 issue of “India Today” & Food and Nutrition publications of American Medical Association )

Selected Arabic for Medical Personnel

Some common words :
Inta Kuwayyis ? (Are you O.K ?) Tabeey (normal), Jism (body), Innaho mohim (It’s important) Tameen (Insurance) Darroriyah (necessary)
Fi marad maujood gabl ( Pre-existing disease) Hal min syreh marad shaded ? (H/O)
Mathlan (for example) : Marad as-Sukkary (Hboob/ Huqneh) Daght-dam-aaly, Raboo, Asr al-tanaffus (dyspnoea), Marad Qalby - Alam bis-sadar/ Taarruq Zaed (excessive sweating), Kafaqan al-qalb (palpitation), Khunaq (angina), Qalas - Deeq – tajee (mitral-regurgitation-stinosis), Qusoor al-qalb (heart failure), Marad Batny (abdominal)- Mararah (gall bladder), Qurhah al-madah, Ama (intestine), Kilwah (kidney), Tehaal (spleen), Haswah bawliyeh (urinary stone), Eltihab-kebed-wabae (hepatitisB), Mathana (bladder),Yarqan (jaundice) Bawaseer, Nazeef (bleeding) Nasoor sharj (anus), Sheqq (fissure) Fetq (hernia), al-khusyah (testis), Safan (scrotum), Qadeeb/dhakar/zib (penis), Lid-dawaly (Varicose vein), Ghuddeh daraqi (thyroid gland), Jadarah (goiter), Reah (lung), Sill/Tadarrum (tuberculosis)
Feqr dam zu-khalaya menjaliya (sickle cell anemia), Khudab ad-dam (haemoglobin), Hadeed (iron)
Fi marad aqli/dimagh/nafsiyah gabl , Fi Sara (epilepsy), Fi Ikhtilaaj/Tashannuj (convulsions), Erteash (tremor), bi-eqh-ma/daaf (fainting) , Enkhefad / qalak (depression), Asaby (neurotic), Shalal (paralysis), Subaat (coma), Iltihab as-sahaya (meningitis)
Nazzarak/Basar (vision), Sadd (Cataract), Maizarqa (glaucoma), Adasah (lens), Sama (hearing), Efraz (discharge) Odan(ear), Masdood (blocked), Ghesha tably (tympanic membrane)
Fi amaliyyah gabl ? (Previous operations) Istisal az – zaedah (appendicectomy), Istisal al-lawzah (tonsillectomy) Al-mararh.
Fi hadis ? Hadis sayayyara gabl ? Kasar ? (fracture), Khalla (dislocation)?
Fi Esabah min riyaza ? Aadam (bone),Rebat (Ligament), Ghudroof (cartilage), Water (tendon), El-tewa (sprain), Mafsel (joint), alam adaly (muscular pain), Rukbah (knee) Kahel (ankle) katf (shoulder), Werk (hip), Bisabab inzilaq al-qurs (prolapse disc), Habl shawky (spinal cord), Elaj al tabie (physiotherapy) Esabah bil amal (injury at work)
Marad Jinsy : Zehry (venereal), Jema (intercourse), Sayalan bunny (Gonorrhoea), Zuhry (Syphilis), Aqbool al-mentaqah (Herpes Zoster), AIDS, Al-jehaz al-tanasuly (genitalia),Hafiz al-inzal (condom), Shahwah jensiyah (libido), Maney (semen)
Tistamil Mukhaddirat ? (Do you take drugs ?) Waqqef at-tadkheen (stop smoking)

Sharikah ma itfa fulus-le elaj-marad min gabl (company will not pay money for treatment of pre-existing disease) / Ain (eye), Nazaraat (spectacles),Asnan (teeth), Elaj Sinny (dental ),al-nafsiyah (psychiatry), Wilady/Khalqi (congenital)

Ailate (dependents/family), Zawjah (wife), Atfalak/awladek (children), Walad (boy), Bint (girl), Tawam (twin) , Tufl (infant), Haml (pregnancy), Weladh (delivery), Qabl al-weladh, Mubakker/mubtaser (premature) Ejhad (miscarriage), Dawrah shahriyah (MC), Sin al-yas (menopause), Al-mabeedan (ovaries), Ibadah (ovulation), Rahem (uterus), Mehbal (vagina), Farj (vulva), Azra (virgin), Bith-thady (breast)Al-janeen (foetus), Khetan (circumscision), Qulfeh (prepuce), Mane al-haml (contraceptive), Qata al-wea (vasectomy), Ain (eye), Asnan (dental), Nakhar sinny (dental caries), Lethatak tanzef (gum bleed)

Elaj (treatment), Amaliyyah (operation), Jarrah(surgeon), Jurh (wound), Tashkhees (diagnosis), A’raadh (symptoms), Marad (disease), Dawa (medicine), Asbab (causes), Tareeqah (method), Turuq (procedures), Inzar (prognosis), Al-wasfah (prescription), Muwafaqah (approval), Rukhsah (license), Tajdeed (renewal), Nateza (result), Shifa (recovery/cure), Tahasson (improvement), Ikhtlat/Mudaafat (complications), Tafaul/Ertekas (reaction), Waqe (prophylactic), Tansah (recommendation), Mufeed (useful), Ghair mufeed (useless), Malumat (information), Raahah/Izazah (rest), Taab-an (fatigue), Dawkhah (vertigo/dizziness), Quwwah (strength), Dhaef (weak), Shoghol (work), Dokhool (admission), Mulahazah (observation) Estaqbal (reception), Qatrah (drop), Huqneh (injection), Ebra (needle), Tanqeet (drip), Huqnah sherjia (enema), Tahmeeleh (suppository),That al-lisan (sublingual), Waznak (weight), Tawaree/Isaaf (emergency), Sadmeh (shock), Bohrany/Harej (critical), Mukhtabar (laboratory), Ad-dam (blood), Buraz (stool), Bawl (urine), Tahleel al-bawl (urinalysis), Zulal (albumin), Fahs khuz-eh (biopsy), Ashaah (X-rays), Ikhtesasoh (specialty), Mulayyin (laxative), Mutamared (malingerer), Majnoon (mad), Istemna bil-yad/ Tajleekh (masturbation), Takhdeer (anaesthesia), Mudad hayawe (antibiotic), Mutahhir (antiseptic), Munavwin/Mosakkim (sedative), Mohaddi (tranquilizer), Mugabil (tonic), Mudad lil iktiab (anti-depressant), Jaratheem (bacteria), Naql ad-dam (blood transfusion), Tadmeed (dressing), Inhelal (degenration), Summ (poison) , Ad-dawran (circulation), Dawran tajy (coronary circulation), Sharayeen ekleliyah (coronary arteries), Khathrah damawiyyah (clot), Sammamah (embolus), Tash-ur bi-tanmeel (feel numbness), Alam fi dahr (back ache), Raasha (Shiver/Tremors) , Fuqaah-t-hareeq (blister)
Saim (fasting), Tateem (vaccination), Fahas damm (blood test),Faseeleh damak (blood group), Zara (culture), Tatus (sneezing), Araq (sweat), Faqd alma (dehydration), Baras (vitiligo), Washm (tattoo), Sadeed (pus), Efraz (discharge),Khurraj (abscess), Sahjah (abrasion), Jurh (wound), Dumleh (lump), Dummal (boil/furuncle), Waram shahmy (lipoma), Waram (tumour), Waram khabees/Saratan (malignant tumour/cancer), Saleem (benign), Wazmah (oedema),Tasallub (induration), Tawwarrum/Intifakh (swelling), Radd (bruise), Iltihab (infection), Habb ash-shabab (acne), Nedbah (scar), Kheyateh (suture), Shuaireh al-jifu (stye), Haraq (burn), Hakkeh (itching), Hasasiyyah (allergy), Istamel gaffazat (use gloves), Lasa al-hasharat (insect bite), Bayut (mosquitoes), Harq ash-shams (sunburn), Debban (flies), Dood (worms), Fitry (fungal), Jarab (scabies), Ash-shara (urticaria), Tafh (rash), Ghishrah ar-ras (dandruff), Daas-sadaf (psoriasis) Judary al-ma (chicken pox), Hasbah (measles), Nikaf/Abukaab (mumps),Thaloolah (wart), Qarn (corn), Kees (cyst), Saqoot ash-shar (alopecia), Agra or Asla (bald), Fuwaq (hiccup), Homoodah (hyperacidity), Soo al-hadm (indigestion), Shahiyyah (appetite), Insidad (obstruction), Kazaz (tetanus), Iltihab al-qasabat (bronchitis), Iltihab- bil-shobat-al-hawaya (URTI), Tashmma/Talayyuf (cirrhosis), Araj (claudication), Maghas (colic), Ishaal (diarrhoea), Zuhar (dysentery), Imsak (constipation), Hoboot (prolaose), Sual/Koha (cough), Balgham (sputum/phlegm), Reeh al-batn (flatus), Ghaz (gas), Takmeed (fomentation), Ghargharah (gargle), Zufr nashib (in-growing nail), Bawal laily (nocturnal enuresis), Tashannuj al-adal (muscle cramp), Istefragh (vomiting), Ghathayan/Laayan an-nafs (nausea), Humma (fever), Bardiyah (chills), Zuqaam (comm.cold), Alam/Waja (pain), Alam fil halq (pain in throat), Anf masdood (nose blocked) , Jarayan lil anf (running nose), Tatus kateer (sneeze a lot), Tabla (swallow), Ibsuq barrah ( spit it out)



Peace be upon you = As-salam-alaikum, Peace be with you as well = Wu-alaikum-salam, Good morning=Sabah al-khair, (Reply) Good morning=Sabah an-noor, Good evening/afternoon=Masa al-khair, (Reply)=Masa an-noor, Hallo=Marhaba, Welcome=Ahlan-wa-sehlan, How are you? = Kaif el hal ? (Kail halak(M), Kaif halek (F)), Glad to see you=Ya hala , (Reply) Nice to see you too=Ahlan bek, How is familiy ? = Kaif al aileh ?, How is your health ? = Kaif sih-hatak ? ,Come in = Tafaddal(M), Tafaddali(F), Tafaddalu(P), Please sit down=Min fadlak ijlis, I hope you are well ? = Isha-allah mabsoot ?, Are you ok ? = Inta kuwayyis ?, I am fine = Ana bekhair ( Al-hamdul-illah), Long time no see ? = Zamaan ma shoftak ?, Thank you = Shukran, Thank you very much=Shukran jazilan, Much grateful(Obliged) = Mamnoon fadlak, Please = Minfadlak, I am sorry = Ana aasif (M), Ana aasifa (F), Excuse me = Afwan, Well good bye = Tayyib, ma as-salama, (Response) Good bye=Allah yisallimak, What is your name ? = Aish ismak (M) ?, Aish ismek (F) ?, How old are you ? = Kam umrak (M) ? , Kam umrek (F) ?, What are your omplaints/problems ? = Aish maradak / mushkila ? I speak little Arabic = Ana at akallam Arabi shuway, Are you fightened ? = Hal inta khoof ?, Don’t worry = Mafe khoof, Don’t cry = La tebki, Listen = Istamil, You are better = Anta ehsan, Tell me = Akhberni, What is the file number ? = Aisk raqam malaf ?, What is the name of your company ? = Aish ism sharikatak., Please wait = Minfadlak intazer, Understand ? = Fahoomt, Is it possible ? = Hal hada mumkin ?, God willing=Insha-allah, Don’t forget = La tensa, I hope = Arjoo, I think = Azun, I wish = Atamanna, Are you sure ? = Hal inta mutaa ked ?, Necessary = Daroory, Only = Faqat/Bus, Ok = Zain, No problem = Mafe mosk kila, With all pleasure = Bikoll soroor, Sure, I am very happy = Akeed, Ana jeddan mabsoot, God bless you = Barrak allah feek. Good luck = Allah maak, At your service = Fi khidmati-kom, Wish you good luck = Atamanna lak haz saeed, Wish you a fast recovery = Atamanna lak bi shifa al azil, Busy = Mashghool, Massage = Tadleek, See you later = Araka Gaddan, I serve every body = Ana fi khidmat al jamia, Is this serious ? = Hal howa amron khater ?, Can I help you ?= Aye khidmah ?, I will hold = Astaber, What medicines have been taking ? = Aqht dawa min qabl ?, Not my mistake = Ana mush galatan, What do you want ? = Aish tibgaha ?, In a minute/little while=Daqeeqah, It’s important=Innaho mohim, Are you pregnant ?=Hal inta hamel ? What do you want ? = Aish tibgha ? Are you allergic to this ? = Hal indak hasasiyyah li-hada ? Are you sure ? = Hal inta muta’aked ? It hurts= Innaho yo’limoni , I’m lost=Ana toht.


Yes=Naam, No=La/Ma’fe, Finished/end/over=Khalas, Enough/No more/That is all=Bus, Continuous=Alatool, Straight=Sidha, Problem=Mushkila, Out of order=Kharban, Broken=Maksoor, Now=al-heen, Must=Lazem, Sometimes=Ahyanan, Where=Fain, Here=Hina, Why=Laish, When=Meta, What=Ma’aish, How=Kaif, Who=Meen, How much ? = Kam as-se’ar/hada, How many ?= Kam (Lil adad), Small present=Hadiyya sagira, Thermometer=Mijanu Harara, Stethoscope= Sammah, Microscope=Majhar, Plaster=Lazkah, File=Malaf, Knife=Sikkina, Key=Moftah, Bottle=Zogaga, Packet=Bako, Tube=Onbuba, Envelope=Zoruf, Pass=Ishtirak,Travel=Safar, Restaurant=Matam, Hotel=Fondok, Room=Gorfa, Safe=Khazna, Student=Talib, Book=Kitab, Pen=Kalam, Chair=Korsi, Table=Tawla, Change=Baki, Street=Shari, Shop=Dokan, Tree=Shagara, House=Bet, Boat=Markib, Bus=Otobis, Airplane=Taira, Train=Kitar, Railway Station=Sikka hadid, Plateform=Rasif , Ticket=Tazkara, Single(One way)=Zihab, Return(Round trip)=Zihab wa iyab, Tourist=Siyaha, Luggage=Shantiti/Amanat, Office=Maktab, Picture=Taswir, Music=Musika, Towel=Futit, Ice cubes=Kita talg, Fan=Murwaha, Lamp=Misbah, Light=Nur, Department=Kism, Strange=Garib, Dance=Raksa, Dancer=Rakisa, Tent=Khema, Desert=Sahra, Farm=Izba, Road=Tarik, Footpath=Sikka, Mountain=Jabal, Mountain Range=Silsilit Jabal, River=Nahr, Sea=Bahr, Lake=Bohayra, City=Madina, Village=Karya, Place=Al=makan, Grocery=Bakkal, Bridge=Kobri/Zhisr, Building=Mabna, Factory=Masnaa, Fountain=Nafura, Park=Hadika, Car park=mowqef Sayyarat, Elevator=Al-masad, Reserved=Malijoozah, Tower=Borj, Rope=Habl, Appointment=Al-Istelamaat, Application=Talab, Confirmation=Takeed,Conference=Ijtema, Use=Istemal, Summer= Al Sef, Winter=Al Shita, North=Shamal, South=Janub, East=Shark, West=Jarb,

Acute/Chronic=Haadd/Muzmin, Bachelor/Married=Azab/Mutazzawwi, Before/After=Gabl/Baad, Big/Small=Kabeer/Sagheer, Mild/Severe=Tafif/Shadeed, Close/Open=Ighleq/Iftah, Come/go=Taal/Roh, Day/Night=Nahar/Lail, High/Low=Aaly/Waty, Hot/Cold=Har/Bared, New/Old=Jadeed/Qadeem, Old/Young=Aguz/Shab, Beautiful/Ugly=Jamel/Wihish, Better/Worse=Ahsan/Aswa, Near/Far=Qareeb/Baeed, Rest/Work=Rahah/Amal(Shughal), Tall/Short=Tweel/Qaseer, Thin/Fat=Naheef/Sameen, True/False=Haqeeqi (Saheeh)/Zaif(Ghair Saeeh), Weak/Strong=Daeef/Qawy, Up/Down=Fooq/Tahat, Clean/Dirty=Nazeef/Wasekh, Cry/Smile=Yasrukh/Yebtasem, Complete/Incomplete=Kamel/Ghair Kamel, General/Special=Aam/Khas, Liquid/Solid=Sa-il/Solb, Listen/Look=Isma/Unzur, Full/Empty=Malyan/Fadi, Easy/Difficult=Sahl/Sab, Heavy/Light=Ti’il/Khafif, Morning/Evening=Sabah/Masa, Noon/Mid-night=Ad-duhr/Muntasaf al-lail, Sit/Stand=Ijles/Qef, Slow/Fast=Tamahhal/Bi-sur’ah, Wide/Narrow=Wase/Dayyeq, Yesterday/Tomorrow=Ams/Bukrah, Today=Al-yoom, After tomorrow=Baad Bukra, Day before yesterday=Qabl ams, Left/Right=Yasar/Yameen, Pull/Push=Is-hab/Idfa, Son/Daughter=Ibn/Ibnah, Husband/Wife=Zawj/Zawaheh, Brother/Sister=Akh/Ukht, Boy/Girl=Walad/Bint, Twins=Taw’am, Father/Mother=Abb(Waled)/Umm(Waledeh), Uncle=Khal, Friend=Sadeeq, Dear=Habibi(M)/Habiba(F), Love=Habb, Hate=Ikra, Respect=Ehtram, Gust=Daif, Neighbour=Jaar, Permission=Muwafaqah, Paper=Warqah, Read=Iqra, Sign here=Waqqe hina, Signature=Toqia, Stamp= Khatim, Mail=Khitabat, Interpreter=Motargin, Expediter=Muaqqib, Class(grade)=Darza, Satisfactory=Makbool, Good=Jaeed, Excellent=Mumtaz, Respect=Ehtiraam, Love=Habb, Anger/Pleasure=Ghadab/shak, Question/Answer=Soaal/Jawaab, Correct/Wrong=Sahey/Ghaltan, Early/Late=Mobakkiran/Mota’KhKhiran, Exit/Entry=Khorooj/Dokhod, Exit/Entrance=Makhraj/Madkhal, Insurance=Tameen, Government servant= Muwjaf Hukumi, Sponsorship=Kafalat, Release letter=Khitab Tanazol, Ticket=Tadhkira, Renewal=Tajdeed, Mail=Khitabat, Introduction=Khitab, Message=Risala , Stop=Kiff, Atonce=Fawran, Urgent=Mis-ta-jil, Help me=Saidni, Snake=Hayya, Scorpion=Agrub, Invoice/Bill=Fatura, Beach=Shati

Year=Sarah, Month=Shahar, Week=Osboo, Hour=Saah, Minute=Daqeeqah, Second=Thaniyah, In the morning=Fis sabah, In the evening=Fil masa, At night=Fil Lail

Counting : Zero=Sifr, One=Wahid, Half=Noos, Quarter=Bob, One third=Tilt, Two=Ithnain, Three=Thalathah, Four=Arbah, Five=Khamsah, Six=Sittah, Seven=Sabh, Eight=Thamaniyah, Nine=Tisah, Ten=Asrah, Twenty=Eshren, Fifty=Khamseen, Hundred=Miyyah, Five hundred=Khamsaah miyyah, Thousand=Alaaf (One thousand=Alf)

Colour (Alwan) : Black=aswad, White=Abyad, Red=Ahmar, Pink=wardi, Orange=Lemooni, Green=Akhdar, Blue=Azraq, Yellow=Asfar, Brown=Bonni, Grey=Romadi,

Professions : Manager=Mudeer, Accountant=Mohaseb, Clerk=Kateb, Engineer=Mohandis, Guard=Hares, Labourer=A’mel, Carpenter=Najjar, Mason=Banna, Porter=Hammal, Tailor=Tarzi, Teacher=Muallem (Mudarres), Professor=Ustaad, Translator= Mutarjem, Expediter=Muaqqib.

Jewellery= Mogawharat, Gold=Zahab, Silver=Fidda, Diamond=Almas, Pearl=Luli, Chain=Silsila, Ring=Khatim, Necklace=Okd, Hand made=Shogl Yad, Wrist watch=Sait Yadd, Loose=Mafkul, Check=Ikshif


Body (Jism), Skin=jild, Head=Raas, Neck=Onuq, Face=Wajh, Cheeks=Khodood, Hair=Sha-er, Eye=Ain, Eye lids=Jufoon, Eye brows=Hawajeb, Eye lashes=Romoosh, Ear=Ozun (Odan), Nose=Anf, Lips=Ash-sheftain, Mouth=Fumm, Teeth=Asnan, Gum=Lasa, Tongue=Lisan, Throat=Halq, Tonsils=Lowaaz, Voice=as-saot, Breasts=Thadyain, Cheast=Sadr, Abdomem=Batn, Umbilicus=Surrah, Arms=Zera, Leg/Legs=Rejl/Rejlain, Fingers/Finger=Asabe/Usba, Toes=Asabe al-qadam, Buttocks=Al-redfain, Genitalia=Al-ada’at-tanasuliyah, Penis=Qadeeb(zib), Prepuce=Qulfeh, Testis=Khusyeh, Vagina=Mehbal, Vulva=Farj, Ovary=Mabeed, Uterus=Rahem, Kidney=Kilwah, Urinary bladder=Mathana bawliah, Stomach=Medah, Gall bladder=Mararah, Spleen=Tehal, Liver=Kabed, Large intestine=Ama al-ghaleezah, Small intestine=Ama al-raqiqah, Appendix=Zaidah, Rectum=Al-mustaqeem, Anus=Sharj, Skull=Jum’jumah, Vertebrae=Feqrah, Ribs=Adla, Phalanges=As-sulamiyat, Pelvis=Al-hawd, Trachea=Ar-rughamy, Bronchus=Qasabat, Lung=Riah, Heart=Qalb, Artery=Ash-sheryan, Vein=Al-wareed, Nerve=Asab, Coronary arteries=Sharaeen qalbiah, Mitral valve=As-sammam at-tajy, Tympanic membrane (ear drum)=Al-ghesha at-tably, Bone=Aazm, Shoulder joint=Mafsel al-katf, Elbow joint=Mafsel al-koo, Wrist joint=Mafsel al-rusgh, Hip joint=Mafsel al-wark, Knee joint=Mafsel al-rukbeh, Ankle joint=Mafsel al-kaahel, Pulse=Nabd


Elaj (treatment), Amaliyyah (operation), Jarrah(surgeon), Jurh (wound), Tashkhees (diagnosis), A’raadh (symptoms), Marad (disease), Dawa (medicine), Asbab (causes), Tareeqah (method), Turuq (procedures), Inzar (prognosis), Al-wasfah (prescription), Muwafaqah (approval), Rukhsah (license), Tajdeed (renewal), Nateza (result), Shifa (recovery/cure), Tahasson (improvement), Ikhtlat/Mudaafat (complications), Tafaul/Ertekas (reaction), Waqe (prophylactic), Tansah (recommendation), Mufeed (useful), Ghair mufeed (useless), Malumat (information), Raahah/Izazah (rest), Taab-an (fatigue), Dawkhah (vertigo/dizziness), Quwwah (strength), Dhaef (weak), Shoghol (work), Dokhool (admission), Mulahazah (observation) Estaqbal (reception), Qatrah (drop), Huqneh (injection), Ebra (needle), Tanqeet (drip), Huqnah sherjia (enema), Tahmeeleh (suppository),That al-lisan (sublingual), Waznak (weight), Tawaree/Isaaf (emergency), Sadmeh (shock), Bohrany/Harej (critical), Mukhtabar (laboratory), Ad-dam (blood), Buraz (stool), Bawl (urine), Tahleel al-bawl (urinalysis), Zulal (albumin), Fahs khuz-eh (biopsy), Ashaah (X-rays), Ikhtesasoh (specialty), Mulayyin (laxative), Mutamared (malingerer), Majnoon (mad), Istemna bil-yad/ Tajleekh (masturbation), Takhdeer (anaesthesia), Mudad hayawe (antibiotic), Mutahhir (antiseptic), Munavwin/Mosakkim (sedative), Mohaddi (tranquilizer), Mugabil (tonic), Mudad lil iktiab (anti-depressant), Jaratheem (bacteria), Naql ad-dam (blood transfusion), Tadmeed (dressing), Inhelal (degenration), Summ (poison) , Ad-dawran (circulation), Dawran tajy (coronary circulation), Sharayeen ekleliyah (coronary arteries), Khathrah damawiyyah (clot), Sammamah (embolus), Tash-ur bi-tanmeel (feel numbness), Alam fi dahr (back ache), Raasha (Shiver/Tremors) , Fuqaah-t-hareeq (blister), Mo’adi (Contageous)
Alam /Waja (pain), Humma /Hararah (Fever/tempreture), Saim (fasting), Tateem (vaccination), Fahas damm (blood test),Faseeleh damak (blood group), Zara (culture), Tatus (sneezing), Araq (sweat), Faqd alma (dehydration), Baras (vitiligo), Washm (tattoo), Sadeed (pus), Efraz (discharge),Khurraj (abscess), Sahjah (abrasion), Jurh (wound), Dumleh (lump), Dummal (boil/furuncle), Waram shahmy (lipoma), Waram (tumour), Waram khabees/Saratan (malignant tumour/cancer), Saleem (benign), Wazmah (oedema),Tasallub (induration), Tawwarrum/Intifakh (swelling), Radd (bruise), Iltihab (infection), Habb ash-shabab (acne), Nedbah (scar), Kheyateh (suture), Shuaireh al-jifu (stye), Haraq (burn), Hakkeh (itching), Hasasiyyah (allergy), Istamel gaffazat (use gloves), Lasa al-hasharat (insect bite), Bayut (mosquitoes), Harq ash-shams (sunburn), Debban (flies), Dood (worms), Fitry (fungal), Jarab (scabies), Ash-shara (urticaria), Tafh (rash), Ghishrah ar-ras (dandruff), Daas-sadaf (psoriasis) Judary al-ma (chicken pox), Hasbah (measles), Nikaf/Abukaab (mumps),Thaloolah (wart), Qarn (corn), Kees (cyst), Saqoot ash-shar (alopecia), Agra or Asla (bald), Fuwaq (hiccup), Homoodah (hyperacidity), Soo al-hadm (indigestion), Shahiyyah (appetite), Insidad (obstruction), Kazaz (tetanus), Iltihab al-qasabat (bronchitis), Iltihab- bil-shobat-al-hawaya (URTI), Tashmma/Talayyuf (cirrhosis), Araj (claudication), Maghas (colic), Ishaal (diarrhoea), Zuhar (dysentery), Imsak (constipation), Hoboot (prolaose), Sual/Koha (cough), Balgham (sputum/phlegm), Reeh al-batn (flatus), Ghaz (gas), Takmeed (fomentation), Ghargharah (gargle), Zufr nashib (in-growing nail), Bawal laily (nocturnal enuresis), Tashannuj al-adal (muscle cramp), Istefragh/Zooa/Tursh/Tatrish (vomiting), Ghathayan/Laayan an-nafs (nausea), Humma (fever), Bardiyah (chills), Zuqaam (comm.cold), Alam/Waja (pain), Alam fil halq (pain in throat), Anf masdood (nose blocked) , Jarayan lil anf (running nose), Tatus kateer (sneeze a lot), Sodaa sabah (Morning sickness), Iltiwa fil onok (Stiff neck), Hark min al shams (sun burn), Darbit shams(sun stroke), Tabla/Eblah (swallow), Ibsuq barrah ( spit it out), Muss(suck), Ishrab (drink), Ahluq (Chew), Shoof (Look) , Moout(Death), Katal (Kill), Yaktil (To Kill)

Marad maujood gabl (Pre-existing disease), Marad as-Sukkary (Diabetes), Hboob/ Huqneh (Tablet/Injection), Daght-dam-aaly (High blood pressure), Raboo (Asthma), Asr al-tanaffus (dyspnoea), Marad Qalby (Heart disease), Alam bis-sadar (Chest pain), Taarruq Zaed (Excessive sweating), Kafaqan al-qalb (palpitation), Khunaq (angina), Qalas - Deeq – tajee (mitral-regurgitation-stinosis), Qusoor al-qalb (heart failure), Marad Batny (abdominal disease)- Mararah (gall bladder), Qurhah al-madah (Peptic ulcer), Ama (intestine), Kilwah (kidney), Tehaal (spleen), Haswah bawliyeh (urinary stone), Eltihab-kebed-wabae (hepatitisB), Mathana (bladder),Yarqan (jaundice) Bawaseer, Nazeef (bleeding) Nasoor sharj ( Fistula anus), Sheqq (fissure) Fetq (hernia), al-khusyah (testis), Safan (scrotum), Qadeeb/dhakar/zib (penis), Lid-dawaly (Varicose vein), Ghuddeh daraqi (thyroid gland), Jadarah (goiter), Reah (lung), Sill/Tadarrum (tuberculosis)
Feqr dam zu-khalaya menjaliya (sickle cell anemia), Khudab ad-dam (haemoglobin), Hadeed (iron)
Fi marad aqli/dimagh/nafsiyah = Sara (epilepsy), Ikhtilaaj/Tashannuj (convulsions), Erteash (tremor), bi-eqh-ma/daaf (fainting) , Enkhefad / qalak (depression), Asaby (neurotic), Shalal (paralysis), Subaat (coma), Iltihab as-sahaya (meningitis)
Nazzarak/Basar (vision), Sadd (Cataract), Maizarqa (glaucoma), Adasah (lens), Sama (hearing), Efraz (discharge) Odan(ear), Masdood (blocked), Ghesha tably (tympanic membrane)
Amaliyyah (Operations) = Istisal az – zaedah (appendicectomy), Istisal al-lawzah (tonsillectomy) Al-mararh.
Hadis / Hadis sayayyara (Car accident) = Kasar ? (fracture), Khalla (dislocation)?
Esabah min riyaza (Sport injuries) = Aadam (bone),Rebat (Ligament), Ghudroof (cartilage), Water (tendon), El-tewa (sprain), Mafsel (joint), alam adaly (muscular pain), Rukbah (knee) Kahel (ankle) katf (shoulder), Werk (hip), Bisabab inzilaq al-qurs (prolapse disc), Habl shawky (spinal cord), Elaj al tabie (physiotherapy) Esabah bil amal (injury at work)
Marad Jinsy (Sexual diseases) : Zehry (venereal), Jema (intercourse), Sayalan bunny (Gonorrhoea), Zuhry (Syphilis), Aqbool al-mentaqah (Herpes Zoster), AIDS, Al-jehaz al-tanasuly (genitalia),Hafiz al-inzal/ kabbod (condom), Shahwah jensiyah (libido), Maney (semen), Shabaz Jinsy (Homosexuality), Shiyaz (Homo), Loot(Sodomy),
Sharikah ma itfa fulus-le elaj-marad min gabl (company will not pay money for treatment of pre-existing disease) / Ain (eye), Nazaraat (spectacles),Asnan (teeth), Elaj Sinny (dental ), Khaliha (extraction), Al takm (denture),Al-nafsiyah (psychiatry), Wilady/Khalqi (congenital)

Ailate (dependents/family), Zawjah (wife), Atfalak/awladek (children), Walad (boy), Bint (girl), Tawam (twin) , Tufl (infant), Haml (pregnancy), Weladh (delivery), Qabl al-weladh, Mubakker/mubtaser (premature) Ejhad (miscarriage), Dawrah shahriyah (MC), Sin al-yas (menopause), Al-mabeedan (ovaries), Ibadah (ovulation), Rahem (uterus), Mehbal (vagina), Farj (vulva), Azra (virgin), Bith-thady (breast)Al-janeen (foetus), Khetan (circumscision), Qulfeh (prepuce), Mane al-haml (contraceptive), Qata al-wea (vasectomy), Ain (eye), Asnan (dental), Nakhar sinny (dental caries), Lethatak tanzef (gum bleed)


Walk=Imshi, Sit=Ijles, Stand here=Qif hina, Sleep=Naom, Relax=Estarkhy, Feel=Tashor, Rest=Rahah, Turn=Durr, Bend down & touch toes=Inhal li-taht wu ilmis asabe al-qadam, Sign here=Waqqe hina, Don’t feel shy=La takhjal, Long breath=Nafas taweel, How is your appetite ?= Kaif Shahiyatak ?, Please gargle=Arjook tagharghar, Where is pain ?=Fain al alam ?, How many times ? = Kam marrah, Don’t move= La tataharrak, Lift=Irfa, Hold on=Istamerr, Lie down on your back = Tamaddad ala dahrak, Do you take drugs ? = Tistamil Mukhaddirat ? , Do you smoke ? = Hal tudakhkhen ?, Stop Smoking=Waqqef at-tadkheen, Open your mouth=Iftah famak, Help me=Saidni, I am in hurry=Ana mistagil, Do exercise at home= Qum bitamreen bil bait, Muscular pain=Alam adaly, Muscle cramp=Tashannuj al-adal, No guarantee= Ma’fi damanah,, Do light duties=Qum bi-amal khafeefah, Rare group=Faseeleh naderah, Provide doners=Hadder mustabarri-een, Drink more liquids=Ishrab sawail ziyadeh, Pain all the time ? = Alam ala-tool ? Fresh blood= Dam safee, Drop by drop ?=Nuqtah nuqtah ?, Blood mixed with stools ?= Ad-dum mamzooj bil-beraz ?,Where is pain?= Fain al-alam ?, Do you have pain in throat ?=Hal indak alam fil halq ?, Is it constant or intermittent ?=Hal alam thabit um mustaqatte ? Any burning in passing urine ?= Fi harqah bil bawl ?, How many times day and night ?=Kam marrah al-yawm wu al-lail ?
Use gloves=Istamel gaffazat, Avoid contact with detergents=Tajannab mulamaset al-mutahhirat, Wash your hands=Aghsil yadaik, Is your vision blurred ?= Hal nazzarak moshalfat ?

Every day=Koll yoom, Any time=Ayya waqt, Morning=Sabah, Afternoon=Baad-dohar, At night=Fil lel, After food=Baad akil, Once=Marra, Twice=Marriten, Three time=Talata Marrat, Four times=Arba Marrat, Spoon=Malakah, Half=Noos, Tabelet=Huboob,


Hospital= Mostasfa, Clinic=Eyadeh, Male Nurse=Mumarridh, Female Nurse=Mumarridha, Male Doctor=Tabeeb/dactoor, Female doctor=dacoora, G.P = Tabeeb aam, Specialty= Ikhtesasoh, Specialist= Ikhisae, Consultant=Istishary, Internist=Tabeeb batini, Orthopaedic surgeon=Jarrah al-izam, Gynae/OB specialist=Akhisae al-weladeh wu an-nisa, Phychiatrist=Tabeeb nafsani, Paediatrician=Tabeeb At-fal, ENT surgeon= Jarrah al-anf,al-uzn,al-hunjrah, Eye surgeon=Jarrah Al-oyuun, Dentist=Tabeeb Asnaan, Anaesthetist=Akhisae takhdeer, Operation theatre= Qism al-amaliyaat, Emergency room=Ghurfah at-tawari, ICU=Wehden Al-enayeh al-murakkazeh, Burn Unit=Wehdeh al-harq, Surgical ward=Janah Al-jerahah, Medical ward=Janah Al-batiniyah, Isolation ward=Janah Al-azl, X-Ray room=Ghuraf al-ashaah, Laboratory=Mokhtabar, Pharmacy=Sadaliyah, Prescription=Wasfah, Controlled drug=Adwiyeh al-khadiah lil raqabeh, Ambulance=Sayyarah is’aaf.

Light diet=Ghiza khafeef, Dietitian=Khabeer(M)/Khabeerah(F), Taste=Thawq, Don’t take= Ma Tistamil, Butter=Zebdah, Cream=Kreem(Qashdeh), Cheese=Jubnah(Jibna), Oil=Zait, Sugar=Sukkar, Honey=Asal, Salt=Melh, Coffee=Qahwa, Tea=Shai, Water=Mai, Milk=Haleeb, Butter milk=Laban, Juice=Aseer, Soup=Shorbah, Rice=Ruzz, Wheat=Firik, Bread=Khobz, Meat=Laham, Fish=Samak, Egg=Baid, Omlett=Igga, Chicken=Dujaaj, Lamb=Kharoof, Beef=Laham Baqr, Meatballs=Kofta, Vegetables=Khudarwat(Khudrah), Salad=Salata (sah-lat-Tah) Lettuce=Khass, Fruits=Fakah, Nuts=Goz, Fried food=Akil Makliya, Spicy food = Tawabil, Pepper=Filfil, Wine=Nibit, Pickles=Mikhallitat, Lentils=Ads, Beans=Fasolya, Bitter/Salty/Sweet=Morr/Mulih/Misakkar, Sweeets=Halawiyat, Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner=Fatoor/Gada/Asha, Meal at sunset(Ramadan)=Iftar, Morning meal(Ramadan)= Sohur, Kitchen=Al-matbakh, Food is nice=At-taam Laziz.

Fruits : Dried dates=Tamar, Red dates=Ratb, Oranges=Bortuqal, Apple=Tiffah, Watermelon=Battika, Melon=Shammam, Grapes=Enab, Banana=Mouz, Pineapple=Ananas, Lime=Lamon,
Pomegranate=Romman, Apricots=Mish-Mish, Peach=Darra, Plums=Baru, Figs=Ten, Strawberries=Frawla, Custard apple=Ishta, Cherries=Krez, Pear=Kommitra (Nzhay/Be-sil-la), Coconut=Goz Hind, Almond=Loz, Peanuts=Fool-Sudani, Pistachio=Fosto, Dried seeds=Mohammasat.

Vegetables : Fresh=Taza, Potato=Batatis, Cauliflower=Arnabit, Onion=Basal, Cabbage=Koromb (Mulfuf), Peas =Bisilla, Carrots=Gazar, Garlic=Tom, Chick-peas=Hommos, Cucumber=Khiyar, Lettuce=Khass, Tomatoes=Banadura, Spinach=Sabauika, Lentils=Ads, Beans=Fasolya (Fool), Radishes=Fgl, Greenpepper=Filfil akhder, Okra=Bamya, Eggplant=Bitingan

Cooking : Boiled=Maslu, Baked=Fil forn, Fried=Magli, Roasted=Rosto, Hot=Saahhin, Cold=Baried, Lukewarm=Fatir.

Plate=Sahn, Glass=Kobbaya/Kub, Cup=Figan, Fork=Shoka, Spoon=Malaka, Bottle=Zogaga


Bathroom=Hammam, Bed pan=Taseh as-sareer, Urinal=Maboolah, Wash hair=Ghasl al-sha’er, Shave=Ehleq, Comb=Musht, Brush=Furshah, Tooth paste=Majoon asnan, Mirror=Merayah, Power=Bodra, Soap=Saboon, Hair dye=Sibaga, Bed sheets=Sharashef, Blankets=Bat’taniyat, White coat=Mataf abyad, Cap=Taqiyyah, Shoes=Ahziyah/Hiza/Sobbat, Towel=Menshafeh (Futit), Shirt=Qamees, Underpants(M)= Libasat/Shnatin, Undershirt=Fanilla, Pillow=Mukhaddeh, Bandage=Dammadeh, Dressing=Ghiyar al-jurh, Belt=Hizam, Zip=Sahhab, Button=Zer, Collar=Touq, Neck tie=Kerafatah, Handkerchief=Mandeel, Pocket=Jeb, Dry cleaning=Tanzeef nashif, Washing=Ghaseel, Dirty=Wasekh, Clean=Nazeef, Polish=Jaloo (Saql) , Bulbs=Lambat, Use gloves=Istamel gaffazat, Very expensive=Ghaly kateer, Cheap=Rakheesah, Nice=Jameel, I do not like this=Ana ma b-heb hada, Flower=Azhar/Warda, Silk=Harir, Wool=Suf, Size=Kasi, Socks=Shorab, Scissors=Al-Ma’ass, Beard=Zakn, Moustache=Shanabb, Carpet=Sagagid, Light=Nur

Appointment – Maw-ed
Multiple – Muta-adid
Exit / Entry – Khuruj / Dukhool
Culture – Mjra / Chickenpox – Hisba / Angaj
Hot Fomentation – Cha-mood
Herbal – Eshu-bub
Block – Sakkar
Condom – Kab-bood
Lazy – Kaslan
Once / Twice / Thrice = Marrah / Marratyn / Thalaath Marrat
Breakfast – Fotoor
Warm / Hot / Cold = Dafi / Saakhen / Baared
Winter – Shetaa
Rain – Matar
Humidity – Rotoobah
House / Room / Stairs = Bayt / Ghorfa / Daraj