Wednesday, January 16, 2008


People say love is a spiritual experience – nothing to do with sexes and nothing to do with bodies, but something to do with the innermost being. It is a reward from the beyond. It showers on you like flowers…. fills your being. And it goes on showering on you, and it brings with it a tremendous longing to share. Love is both. It is rich and it is painful, it is agony and it is ecstasy. I find love, a biological infatuation dependent on hormones. There is nothing spiritual in it. There is nothing special about it. What distinction is between love and lust ? When you say to someone, ”I love you” have you ever thought what you mean ? Is it just biological infatuation between the two sexes ? Then once you have satisfied your animal appetite, all so-called love will disappear. It was just a hunger and you have fulfilled your hunger and you are finished. The same women who was looking the most beautiful in the world, the same man who was looking a hero – you start thinking how to get rid of this fellow.

The sexuality part in love reminds me of our animality – it reminds me of our biological bondage, it reminds me that we are not free, we are under the slavery of the instincts given by nature; that our strings are pulled by nature just like a puppet. In sex one starts feeling humiliated as if he is losing his dignity, And then the fulfillment is so momentary, the satisfaction is so momentary. The ecstasy is just like a breeze, it comes and goes and leaves you in formlessness and timelessness while in deep orgasmic spasm. In fact sex is a strategy of nature to perpetuate itself. It is a mechanism that keeps you reproducing, otherwise people will disappear. Just think of a humanity where sex is no longer an instinct and you are free, at your own will, to go into sex or not. Then the whole thing will look so absurd, the whole thing will look ridiculous. Just think – if there is no instinctive force pulling you, I don’t think anybody will be ready to go into sex. There are reasons why people make love hiding from the public, from people – because it looks so ridiculous.

But sex cannot be renounced. People have tried to renounce it. Down the ages monks have been renouncing it. Sex has been condemned and suppressed , that is why it has become an obsession, a disease, a perversion. All the joy in the life disappears with out it, making one sad, suicidal and the life meaningless. The hue and cry has always been, “Sex is sin. Sex is irreligious. Sex is Poison” But sex has tremendous power; all life arises out of it. If it can bring a new life into existence, one can imagine its potential. I believe sex is the most mysterious, most profound, most precious and, at the same time, the most accursed subject; and we are still in darkness about it. We never pay enough attention to this important phenomenon. A man goes through the routine of coitus throughout his life, but does not know what it is really. One should approach sex with reverence. The journey to lust is also the journey to light.

There are no clearly – defined borders between youth, middle and old age. Some young men and women become middle-aged in their thirties, others remain young in their fifties and sixties; some become impotent in their youth, others continue to enjoy sex into their eighties. Indeed, most people will agree that as long as you are capable of enjoying sex you are young; when the sexual urge disappears, you have become old. Men are more obsessed with proving their potency than women and, when natural impulses begin to wane, will try all kinds of aphrodisiacs to keep going. Fortunately as a result of recent break through in medicine, very effective pills are now available (Viagra, Cialis and Levitra etc) to treat impotency. Equally effective and potent is the company of the young and vivacious. In monogamous marriages, the absence of variety and monotony deprive both partners of the urge to engage in lovemaking. Statistics show that in marriages which have lasted more than twenty years, the sex urge has all but disappeared. Attempts to revive it with the same partner are not successful, but failure to do so does not impair matrimonial closeness. Men in their sixties and seventies are still capable of sex once a week. The urge tapers off after seventy and is usually extinct in the eighties. Men and women who take to religion in their later life and spend most of their time in the company of their own age group, away from young people, age prematurely and lose the zest for life.

Medication for the treatment of high blood pressure and heavy drinking over many years can have disastrous effects on male or female potency. Alcohol may temporarily whip up desire, but it robs the drinker of the power to perform.

I have nothing against homosexuality as I regard it as natural as bisexuality. Some people are born that way; it also exists in the animal world. There is no clear black and white divide between the sexes, as male and females have masculine and feminine characteristics of different proportions in them; there is something of a women in every man and something of the man in every women. These traits surface at different times and in different circumstances in their lives. Hardly anyone goes through life without some homosexual experience or the other. Boys are exposed to it at school and college. Girls have crushes on their teachers or on each other during their adolescence. In purely male or female institutions like jails, ashrams, convents, monasteries, and the army, homosexuality is rampant. The vast majority of men and women grow out of it. A small minority continue to have homosexual or lesbian relationships because they find them more emotionally fulfilling. For some reason their incidence is higher amongst sensitive, creative people like artists, musicians, dancers, etc. than the ordinary run of humanity. These liaisons can be intensely marked with violent jealousies and may be life long. What confuses the sexual scene further is the fact that many of them are heterosexual.

No human beings can choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation (an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person) emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting the removal. For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.
Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not dictate his or her children's.
Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.
Often lesbian, gay and bisexual people feel afraid, different, and alone when they first realize that their sexual orientation is different from the community norm. This is particularly true for people becoming aware of their gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation as a child or adolescent, which is not uncommon. And, depending on their families and where they live, they may have to struggle against prejudice and misinformation about homosexuality. Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes. They may also fear being rejected by family, friends, co-workers, and religious institutions. Some gay people have to worry about losing their jobs or being harassed at school if their sexual orientation became well known. Unfortunately, gay, lesbian and bisexual people are at a higher risk for physical assault and violence than are heterosexuals.
Protection against violence and discrimination is very important, just as it is for other minority groups. Some states include violence against an individual on the basis of his or her sexual orientation as a "hate crime" and 10 U.S. states have laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Educating all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice.
The risk of exposure and infection of Gay and Bisexual men to HIV is, as for others, related to a person's behavior, not their sexual orientation. What's important to remember about HIV/AIDS is it is a preventable disease through the use of safe sex practices and by not using drugs.
Canada's Supreme Court has cleared way for gay marriages by ruling in December, 2004, that proposed legislation allowing such marriages is constitutional but the government cannot force religious officials to perform ceremonies against their beliefs. Canada would join Belgium and the Netherlands in allowing gay marriage.
Some world famous gay people :

Alexander the Great *Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C. / Socrates *Greek Philosopher,400B.C./ Aristotle *Greek philosopher, 384-322 B.C./Francis Bacon *English Statesman, author / Lord Byron *English poet,18thc. / Oscar Wilde *Irish author, 19th c. / E.M. Forster *English author, 20th c./ Julius Caesar *Roman Emperor, 100-44 B.C. / Queen Anne *English Queen, 18th c./ Marie Antoinette *French Empress, 18th c./ J. Edgar Hoover *U.S. director of the FBI., 20th c./ Rock Hudson *U.S. actor, 20th c./ Homi Bhaba *Indian nuclear physicist, / Aubrey Menon *Eminent Indian writer/ Amrita Shergil * Indian Elite lady / Firaq Gorakhpuri * famous Urdu poet / Veer Savarkar Vinayak Damodar “ Controversial Indian freedom fighter/ Dr. S. Radhakrishnan * Second President of India.

Thomas Szasz, a US psychiatrist, has said “ Masturbation, the primary sexual activity of mankind. In the nineteenth century it was disease; in the twentieth, it’s cure.”

It will make you go blind. It will make your palm grow hairy. It will deform your penis. Such myths about masturbation are largely a thing of past. It is well known that more or less every body indulges himself or herself in this self-pleasing activity at some or the other age. The latest research has even better news that it could protect against cancer prostate. Australian scientist Gilles says “It is a prostatic stagnation hypothesis” and “the more you flush the ducts out, the less is to hang around and damage the cells that line them”.
Masturbation is "sexual activity involving only one person." Other widely used emotionally neutral terms are: "self-stimulation," "auto-eroticism" and "self-pleasuring." Two negative terms which are not in wide usage are "self-abuse" and "onanism." There are hundreds of euphemisms such as "jacking off" (North American term) and "wanking" (UK term), "beating the bishop," "milking the lizard," "spanking the monkey," "choking the chicken," "jizzing," "spooging," "shooting your wad," etc.
Masturbation usually takes the form of rubbing one's genitals (sexual organs) with fingers, hands, and/or objects (e.g. a pillow). The optimum technique varies from person to person. Feelings of excitement build quickly. If continued, they will often produce an orgasm, and (in men) an ejaculation of semen. An orgasm is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as "a frenzy; great excitement; especially the climax of sexual excitement." To those who have experienced an orgasm, no explanation is needed; to those who have not experienced one, no explanation would be sufficient to describe the intensity of the feelings.
I find myself unable to appreciate the use of masturbatory paraphernalia, personal vibrators and devices such as dildos and blow-up dolls etc.

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